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Fall Brawl Schedule

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Is friday practice free? If not what will the cost be?

Pit passes for Friday are $20. Pit passes for Saturday are $30.


Nick Holt

Friday practice: $20 pit passes? Is that $20 per-car/truck or $20 per-person?...... Thats kinda expensive if its per-person..... What happened to $25 passes on Saturdays? Smaller show, so your trying to make the money up from the teams???

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Is friday practice free? If not what will the cost be?

Pit passes for Friday are $20. Pit passes for Saturday are $30.


Nick Holt

Friday practice: $20 pit passes? Is that $20 per-car/truck or $20 per-person?...... Thats kinda expensive if its per-person..... What happened to $25 passes on Saturdays? Smaller show, so your trying to make the money up from the teams???

Pits passes for Friday are $20 per person.


However, if you have concerns please contact Mr. Dickerson directly. His number is 903-576-4104.


Nick Holt

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However, if you have concerns please contact Mr. Dickerson directly.  His number is 903-576-4104.


Nick Holt

PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!! Has the friday practices at SAS always cost($20per/person) that much? And has Saturdays pit passes always been $30?

Not sure how else to say this, but I do not personally have that information. It has been a long time since I purchased a pit pass at any track. If I had that information, however, I would share it. Please call Mr. Dickerson. He has that information.


Nick Holt

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Of course we will be qualify for the first race like normal. But Im curious on what the format is going to be to start the second race. Re-Qualifing? A full Field invert? Same starting position in the second race as in the first? What did TD have in mind to solve this situation?


Curious minds want to know


sean B)

I posted the procedures a few days ago.


Fall Brawl Race Procedures (ARTS)


Nick Holt

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Terry Dickerson called me this morning and asked me to respond to your concerns since you have not called him as I suggested.


First, some other tracks charge $100 per car or $20 per person for practice sessions. Terry said that he was actually thinking that charging $100 per car, but felt that $20 per person would be cheaper for most teams than the flat $100 feel.


Second, the total ARTS Fall Brawl purse is nearly $3,000 more than the normal ARTS purse.


Third, the Fall Brawl is not a "smaller show" but rather a special event with extra laps and a special format and extra purse for the Shootouts. That's what pit passes have been for special events this season.


Fourth, and this is a quote from Mr. Dickerson: "I guess it's easy to get on TSZ and get behind a screen name and call me out, but apparently it's another thing entirely to bring these things up face to face. I am the easiest guy in the world to talk to."


Fifth, Terry knows that there are going to be people who are upset with him, with his officials, his decisions, with life in general. But he seriously wonders what good it does to get on a public forum and complain about things? Why not talk to the people who can do something about your concerns instead of airing them in public?


Sixth, Mr. Dickerson's phone number is 903-576-4104.


Nick Holt

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If we go to the source all the time the forum here will be dead?>?> Not only that but we will have a lot of people to call to get the word out…  Is that the want to stop the intra team communication?



Asking people to bring their concerns to the people who can actually do something about them does not interfere with the flow of information around here.


TXSZ has always encouraged the free discussion of topics and concerns, but we also have an obligation to keep the board as civil as possible. Cutting down on personal complaints, bitching and bashing enhances, rather than impedes, the flow of valuable information.


Thanks for listening.


Nick Holt

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Terry Dickerson called me this morning and asked me to respond to your concerns since you have not called him as I suggested.


Nick, I stated in the PM you sent me I was not going to call Terry and listen to how much money he has lost, again I didnt tell him to buy all of this, we all lose money in this sport, its a givin........



First, some other tracks charge $100 per car or $20 per person for practice sessions. Terry said that he was actually thinking that charging $100 per car, but felt that $20 per person would be cheaper for most teams than the flat $100 feel.


CCMS charges $15/person, HMP $50 per car.....



Second, the total ARTS Fall Brawl purse is nearly $3,000 more than the normal ARTS purse.


The 2 - 35 lap races the normal purse is split in half, the extra $3000 is only for the 8 trucks that make the shootout or is that not correct?



Third, the Fall Brawl is not a "smaller show" but rather a special event with extra laps and a special format and extra purse for the Shootouts. That's what pit passes have been for special events this season.


Theres only 3 series racing compared to 4 or 5 or more. If thats the price for special events thats all you needed to say....


Fourth, and this is a quote from Mr. Dickerson: "I guess it's easy to get on TSZ and get behind a screen name and call me out, but apparently it's another thing entirely to bring these things up face to face. I am the easiest guy in the world to talk to."


I didnt know I was hiding behind a screen name. You, Terry, and everyone we race with knows who I am. I dont hide on here and have someone else post for me.



Fifth, Terry knows that there are going to be people who are upset with him, with his officials, his decisions, with life in general. But he seriously wonders what good it does to get on a public forum and complain about things? Why not talk to the people who can do something about your concerns instead of airing them in public?


Its the end of a long season everyones emotions run high......... I didnt realize a public forum had to be so politically correct. Why does everything have to be behind closed does?


Sixth, Mr. Dickerson's phone number is 903-576-4104.


No thanks, he has my number as well.... Again, the racers never make a profit, why should I listen to his loses.....


Shane Harris [/quote

Edited by arts22
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you have got to be one of the biggest [edited out by Nick Holt, 11/8/05} i have ever heard. everyday you come on here and complain about this and that. you are still just trying to tear down this show because you arent going to be able to race on the precious tms road course. would a bottle [edited out by Nick Holt, 11/8/05] stop your crying?

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All prices seem fair to me, i will still be a fan in the stands at SAS during the fall brawl, just wish i was going to be able to watch the 8(81) and the 52 race l;ike they have all year long. Heard Umsheid sent motor back and isnt going to get it back. Someone know anything about it? Sure hope he gets it turned around, always loved watching his old man run, the apple hasnt fallin far from the tree here.



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you have got to be one of the biggest crybabies i have ever heard. everyday you come on here and complain about this and that.  you are still just trying to tear down this show because you arent going to be able to race on the precious tms road course. would a bottle in your mouth stop your crying?

Well said Krusty!


22, do sumpin, lead, follow, or get the hell out of da way!



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I don't say much on here but this is pure b.s that arts 22 is talking. As far as i can see, terry dickerson is doing far better than anyone of us had any hope of when this season started. arts22 if you think that terry losing money is no big deal then why the heck don't you try to keep asphalt racing alive in Texas.


arts22, just abourt every post you make is putting either nick or terry down. if you have a problem with them why don't you do like they say and call them up. and if you think you can do a better job than wayne and terry and nick then go for it. put up the money and go for it.


just a word here about nick. i don't konw why he even puts up [edited out by Nick Holt, 11/8/05]... as far as i can see he tries to give eveyone a fair shake and has made this place somethng i look forward to reading every day. if i want'ed to read stuff like arts 22, i'd just go to bashers102 .

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This thread must have set a new record for the number of replies to a schedule!


Never knew a schedule could be so controversial.


I don't think we even got this many going with the rules discussion a while back, and that was way more fun to argue about! :lol:


Good job USRA. Looks like a fun weekend. Too bad we can't be a part of it.

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