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Corpus Street Stock race


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It sure was nice to see 25 cars start that street stock race. Bill Stephens in the #13 set fast time and blew a motor or something so he didn't start the race which means the car count could have been even higher. Thank you so much to the out of towners for making the trip down here and entertaining us. Everyone in the field (except the crackhead driving the #38) put on a great race. Tator Mason won the race. He was able to hold on after charges from Greg Carlucci Jr. Owen, these guys are supporting these big money races. How about a really big race in Februrary where the streets are the headlining class. Can have a big purestock/roadrunner/hobby stock race too and a big enduro to end the night! Oh yeah can't forget the 4cyl guys. They put on a good show too. Just ideas after seeing a great race.

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Does anyone have the break down for the amount of cars that came from each track? CC,SAS and THR. I think SAS had 7 or 8 and THR had 2. I believe the rest of them belonged to CCMS.

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  • 2 weeks later...
(except the crackhead driving the #38) .

Did ya see me making gestures at him? hehehe!! then I thaught the crowd would go off on me,but i do not care! Anyway, what was his deal? why push your tires in the fist 10 laps. what an idiot!!!! But thats just one person, myself, opinion. and everybodys got one

Tracey/thr ss 2 bt sis


p.s. please don't let bobby know about this post. He is the only one that I am scared of.


Congats to tot. i told chelsea & mark what a great job ya did!!

Edited by shracey
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