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Crash at Ennis this weekend


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Has anybody seen the replay of the crash that happened at the Motorplex in Ennis this pass weekend with Bruce Allen in Pro Stock-all I got to say is that is one "SCARY" wreck-they said he was at home resting-very lucky man indeed

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That was pretty wild, Tommy.

A little side note, a customer of Larry Schultz over at Austin Performance Plus Machine had put up money to buy that car of Bruce Allens at the end of this season.

I think the price just changed a little.

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yep txtom,cause i dont think there's enough pieces left that could be put together to resemble a car,whats left may fill a few boxes maybe if that.I cant imagine what Bruce felt and heard when he was crossing lanes and got up on his passengers side square across the left lane and the other car drove thur the undercarriage and out the roof approaching 180-200mph totally disintergrating the car.If he had been driver side down,I would hate to think of the out come cause the other car would of drove thru his seat with him strapped in it.Every year the doorslammers get a little quicker and closer to the edge.I know the Pro Mod record just got set a few weeks ago at 6.02 seconds and for a door slammer that is off the scale.Being in the business and knowing how it works,come next year,somebody will break into the hi 5's and the rest will follow because somebody will put up some serious coins for the 1st one who does it in 5 seconds.Pretty crazy when a door car runs almost as quick as an alcohol funny car and they're only a few tenths of a second behind right now.

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the driver stayed in the left half of the car back down the track,the motor and frt suspension can be seen going on ahead toward the finish line. I saw some photos where you could see the driver while he was airborne after impact and to the right of his seat and in front of him was nothing but daylite(or nitetime).He was exposed except for the enclosed cage his seat was in.You can bet that first pass down the track when he returns will be a breath holding pass till the chutes pop and the car stops for sure.

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Gene Snow of Ft Worth aka" The SnowMan"had a blowover Monday during a test run in his A/Fuel Dragster at the Motorplex.He said he was knocked out from tire shake and he wouldnt of keep his foot to the floor when the frontend came up otherwise.Snow said he didnt remmeber the blowover and when he came to he was facing the wrong way on the track.He said hes starting to think about his future,even though his back up car is close to being ready he wasnt sure what he was going to do YET

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Jon, my dad, colby, and I were at Ennis on Friday night. I knew I had just witnessed at least one person die in that crash. Allen went home on Sunday and Kenny Koretsky was still in Parkland Hospital as of Monday with a bruised heart. They said the on board computer measured Koretsky's car pulling 2.5gs then going to a -6.5gs in less than a second after hitting Allen's car. It was the scariest crash that I have ever witnessed in person. I watched the Geoff Bodine crash in the truck series at Daytona live on TV and knew he should have died in that crash, too.

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Something about Bruce Allen; he has had only two accidents in his entire pro stock career, and they were both at Ennis, in similar two car accidents. The first was years ago, early 90's I believe, and the cars, while totaled, fared a lot better.

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allen put a holeshot from hell on the other car-if they had left together allen might of plowed the other car in the right door-if you'll check back in time, ennis has some history of crashes and bad ones, including where a few lives were taken.It is a fast and quick track and s@#* happens in a heartbeat.Working in this business,I get tired of hearing the ole saying "Anybody can drive a car straight"-I agree to a point,but when you start getting into the 8 sec to 4 sec range,try it, and I want to see you when you get out of the car.I've seen my share of drivers after a run of 4 to 8 sec and they look like they've seen a ghost when the car moves all over swaying back and forth. A saying I hear alot is ,you want a cheap 8 sec ride,get on a bull,you might come out better

Edited by Tommy33
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Hey Tommy,


You and I both know, not everyone can drive a car straight. I agree at the 15 - 16 sec. level it's a no brainer. As you mentioned when you get into the 8 second range it's alot different. I've heard many people say it's a point and shoot type deal. But even in an 11 second car, if that thing gets out of the groove; someone could get hurt. BTW, I'm not argueing against you, only that people think that a monkey could drag race and that just isn't true. I've got tons of respect for the 10 1/2 W guys. Talk about livin on the edge, sub 7 sec. cars on 10 1/2" tires. Then take almost a sec. off that in a pro stock.

Edited by KISS_Racing
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Amen Kiss.-After doing 2 Outlaw Street National Races this year,these guys on the 10.5W's are some of the hardest to work.They keep you on your toes the second they come blowing out of the burnout box.The split second they hit the beams I'm holding my breath,till the lites come on at the end of the track, because all hell is subject to break loose in the next 7 to 8 seconds.Working with these Outlaw and Pro Outlaw cars for a weekend,when I walk away to go home, I am mentally drained for the next 2 days.But I will say one thing,what they do sure brings back the go ole "Run What You Brung" type heads up "Katy Bar The Door" racing and they do it on SKINNY TIRES

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