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Common rules


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There is one suggestion - common rules for CCMS, SAS and THR - that keeps popping up in different threads that I want to elaborate on a bit.


Remember the Texas Track Owners and Promoters Association (TTOPA)? Well, the goals that TTOPA is promoting are alive and well.


One of the primary TTOPA goals is to come up with rules that all the member tracks (CCMS, SAS and THR) can run in common. The member tracks have met on numerous occasions over the past couple of years and have made some progress towards that goal and several other goals that are part of the original TTOPA goals.


The member tracks (and TSRS representatives) met last summer to work out the LM rules that would include the TSRS cars, THR LMs and SAS LMs. Those rules have been worked out and a draft copy is being worked on. Once those rules are approved by all the member tracks and TSRS, we will have a set of LM rules that all three tracks will run (well, two tracks unless CCMS starts up a LM class in CC).


We have also started preliminary work on the Super Street/Sportsman/Street Stock rules and will be working on the Hobby/Bomber/Road Runner rules at some point in the near future. As noted in another current thread, part of the reason (besides that fact that they are usually lots of fun for fans and racers alike) for post season events at the various tracks has been to try out different combinations of rules at the various tracks.


However, just as the current set of post season rules does not satisfy everyone, no doubt the final set of TTOPA rules for each class will not satisfy everyone either.


But here's the bottom line. We will end up with cars that can race at any member track on a heads-up basis without making major changes like we have had to do in the past. It also opens up the possibility of mini-series for each class. Any number scenarios come to mind, some of which have been discussed here on TXSZ in several threads. And just as important, the common rules will usher in a new era of cooperation among local tracks that was sorely missing in the past. Things like coordinated schedules, bulk purchases of kitty litter, better tire deals, etc. will also be a possibility with the tracks working together.


The bigger bottom line? Central/South Texas tracks are actually working together for their common good and thus have a much better chance of surviving in the long run.


Nick Holt

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nick, thanks for starting this one...


ALL i can say is the spit is going to fly...


tsrsfan, if they want to accuse someone of cheating; let them pay for a tear down. DO I NEED TO SAY ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! what i was saying in the other thread is to match all 4 tracks being ccms, hmp, sas and thr and the series that they run. ie matching carbs (350 or 500), match cams, motor displacement, rear ends and etc. obviously gear could be different. this would be on a per series basis. pure stock, grand stock, road runner, sportsman, lm or whatever they deem to call these series. some tracks may not run all the classes, but have rules in place if they decide to run the class. the other thing would be to get the official on the same sheet of music. if a carb is illegal at one track, it should be illegal at another track. if a stroke is legal at ccms, then at the other three tracks it should be legal too... i'm in NO way saying to run crate motors!!! PERIOD...


terry dickerson said that after octoberfast that they were going to get together and discuss next year. now would be the perfect time to see which tracks want to do this. and please don't say this is a bad idea because one of these tracks is going to loss there drivers. drivers are going to leave if their not being treated right...

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I agree with you guys a common rulebook is what is needed to improve racing in general.With the exception of tires and gears needed for the different track sizes the cars should be the same at all 3 tracks.Only a few people can make that happen,the owners and promoters of the tracks and they really need to get along.I would love to sit in on their meeting to hear the discussions,I bet its worse than a drivers meeting.The racers cannot make the rules and should not try.Imagine making consessions to help the Fords and Dodges be competetive?And the beginner run with a pro?How bout the poorly funded team going as fast as the well funded team?You cannot make winners with rules.They should be basic,enforceable and most importantly,uniform.Question is,do track owners and promoters really want to improve racing in South Texas?Help the racers!!!! :)

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I like the idea of being able to sit in on the meeting. I believe it was last year when Mike S. got together with Paul L. @ SAS and the late Model guys and they hashed out the rules for this year. Maybe wrong on date, may have been the year before. The folks that are running a car in a series in my opinion should have some say on what they are running. The track and the official would have final say. I believe there are some really good ideas out there, including those to fill the stands... (I know thats another thread all together...)


Nick, are you hearing any more from Terry D., Wayne N. or Paul L. on the meetings after Octoberfast? Are these going to be Terry and staff meetings or is Terry open to having meetings(not slamming sessions) with the drivers in attendance? Again when I heard Terry D. talking about having these meetings, I thought it was an awesome idea. Not to wait till a month before racing starts next year. I was talking to one SAS Sportsman driver that has commited to running again next year. May be an interesting thread to start to see who plans on returning to racing in 2006. Not just at SAS, but as mentioned in the other thread at THR, CCMS and HMP as well...

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man mark i actually agreed with you again on your first post, however on your second post i would have to disagree with the comment


The folks that are running a car in a series in my opinion should have some say on what they are running.


i agree to an extent but then you would end up with too many cooks in the kitchen.........the promoters look at it from the outside and drivers look at it from the inside.........making a bunch of changes that will cost the drivers money is never a good idea, but if it is up to the drivers, most times they will lobby for rules that are close to what their car is.....and im not familiar with it so i am asking, how does the nascar rule book come into play, as far as sas lm goes, if the promoters sit down and make the rules?.....it is a question and not meant to be negative in any way, i am just asking for my own knowledge....


the good thing is that the promoters are working together as a team and not as rivals......that will always be the best for the sport...........jmo

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As far as I know Rebel there are no 'set rules' for the NWRS LM's across the country... NASCAR basically just uses the top series at whichever track you run to base it for its national points... Hense some of the tracks that Robert Barker was competing against were acually dirt tracks running dirt modifieds and dirt super late models. I believe also some tracks in California had Featherlight Mods as their top class. After talking to a little birdie there are going to be alot of changes to the good being made and plenty of time to implement them thats all I am saying for now...I hope Rebel that answers your question.. If not just talk to more knowlegeable folk like Pacecar, Turbotoddie, or Fishracer and they may have a better explaination...



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I keep hearing that USRA is going to crate motors for all there classes. So whats up?

At this point absolutely no final decisions have been made about 2006 rules. The USRA is simply gathering information about various options for 2006 and beyond. We have sought input from a wide variety of sources and are exploring a number of options, one of which is to leave the rules exactly as they are right now. With the current trend being towards crate engines, however, USRA would not be doing its job if it were not checking into that option and others.


Nick Holt

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Hmmmm...this is the 3rd time I have heard this.


It's USRA's job to consider these types of changes and I'm ok with that, but they do not have the whole "off season" to think about it and then POSSIBLY decide something in the 11th hour. People's time and funds spent on new or rebuilt conventional engines during the off season MIGHT be needlessly wasted. Further, IF I have to get $6,000 to $10,000 together for 2 crates (depending on which type they MIGHT choose), I need as much time as possible.



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Hmmmm...this is the 3rd time I have heard this...



Make it four.


I believe the plan is for the 2006 rules to be out earlier than usual.


And, yes, it is true that Terry, Wayne and a few others have been talking to other sanctioning bodies, engine builders, chassis builders and race teams over the past few months as part of the planning process for the 2006 rules. Nothing wrong with that.


But just because the USRA staff is asking questions and seeking input does not automaticially mean something will or will not be changing in 2006.


Nick Holt

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LOL. That's why I added emphasis to certain "rumor" words in my post. It's their job to run their business as they see fit...all I was driving at is the idea that --->IF <---they are going to make huge conceptual changes, a longer than average "lead time" is a requirement.



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