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memorial day


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I just watched the last  10 minutes on fox news of some of our finest heros. …...even at my young age of 63 I still learn  something in a  different perspective  .those men taught me to enjoy this memorial not in sadness .but in celebration of the freedom we at times take for granted .go out with the family or friends and bbq party hardy  what ever you enjoy .but just take  in memory  just one vet you knew or find ones name who  gave their life for you  and honor them with thanks .. the Red white and Blue flag isnt  just stars and stripes and looks good flying in the wind it isnt just to show we are America …. its much more  then that .

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HI HT. Thanks for posting. The one vet I honor most, of course is my dad, who served with the Army 7th Infantry Division during the Okinawa campaign in WWII.  He would never talk much about his combat experiences.  I think he witnessed too many horrible things in battle to even want to recall them.  I would just pick up little bits and pieces of his time there, over our many years together..  One of the things he told me is kind of interesting.  At some point, he was told to turn in his M-1. He was told "you're a pretty big guy, we're going to issue you a BAR.  I once asked him about shooting that thing in combat.  He paused a few seconds, then told me " Naw, I mostly just scared 'um with it." 

Here's a fun video.  Take a look and turn up your sound REAL LOUD !


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FUN VIDEO ..MY DAD  served on a destroyer .his brother was on an carrier .he came home and found out two years earlier after spending a week on shore with his brother  was killed ..that was all he mentioned ever ,,he would not talk about the war and we never pushed him ..

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I have a hard time on Memorial Day.

Some of us went overseas and we came back. Others, including some I trained with and went to high school with, came back in a body bag. Those of us who returned home have had to deal with the unspoken guilt we felt, whether we admitted it or not,  for coming home when they didn't. 

So I don't say "Happy Memorial Day,"  because to many veterans, as well as the loved ones of those who did not return home, it's not a "happy" day, but rather a day to honor the sacrifice others have made on our behalf.



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Thanks again guys for posting.  I want to back track to my previous posting.  When I asked my dad about firing the BAR in combat I was just a kid, probably 10 or 12 years old. I've always remembered his response.  Only later when I was an adult did I come to understand what he was REALLY telling me.  That being …. "You don't EVER want to know what it's like to fire one of those things at another human being." 

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