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calling all race cars. parade time


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Shout Out to All CBS Race Cars.. if you can attend this parade, please do. It will spread the word quicker about the racetrack. Which in turn will help get more fans hopefully interested. We all can agree, we need new people to attend the track. You can get with Ryan Childress or Michael Nuby for additional info.

* You will need to be at the Elgin Elementary School in Elgin, Texas at 8 am this Saturday June 23rd for lineup. Parade is at 10 am.

That's plenty of time to take your race car and join in the parade to help support the racers who set this up and support the racetrack by showing your cars off getting new people interested. It takes a whole Team to make anything successful. So your participation would greatly be appreciated by all. Thanks in Advance. Please share. #OneGoalOnePassion #TeamWork


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