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Thanks Nick


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That's the key.  Keeping it up to date.

I fully realize that it's easier to post to Facebook, but FB has its drawbacks for sure.  For one thing, one is only informing those who already "like" the FB page while others never get to see it.  It's like preaching to the choir.  And the other main drawback is that FB pages become a platform for disgruntled folks trying to inflict as much pain as possible on the track for a "bad call" or "favoritism" or any other perceived injustice  This keeps someone from the track having to monitor the FB page all the time to keep the boo-birds happy...

If a track would simply use LSSZ as their primary way of getting their news, result and other information out to a wide readership, I do the monitoring and the boo birds are edited or deleted by me and whoever the track asks me to put on as a Moderator.

All that to say, thanks for taking on this responsibility, geknight.


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