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Final points standings

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TALMS Final Points Breakdown.


Cody Beddoe 555

Stephen Robison 486

Anthony Monroe 443

Kenneth Montgomery 250

John Witzsche 244

Marcus Mikulencak 236

Kimsey Davis 225

Robert Scrivner 197

James Odes Young 197

Lawrence Mikulencak 196

Michael Carlock 171

Chris Chamberlain 171

Johnny Torres 170

Hunter Flanagan 170

Gary Box 165

Bruce Beddoe 155

Heidi Sliney 147

Jim Troop Blevins 136

Raymond King 132

Dillon Spreen 103

Steve Whiteaker Jr. 97

James Blaylock 96

Jeremy Fiscus 92

Scott Amendt 91

Vince Loudon 91

David Lege 88

Rick Pollaro 87

Jack Barfield Jr. 81

Donald Krahn 78

Andy Mahoney 78

Christopher Birmingham 78

Andrew Johnson 74

Ray Doyon III 73

Corey Amendt 70

Rusty Head 68

Sam Chapa 67

Tyler Box 60

John Sliney 5

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