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Last year a couple of drivers and I from SAS visited with a local high school that had lost a student week’s prior due to street racing. We try to encourage kids who have the need for speed to put it on the track then we turn around and make negative comments about how age is a factor. The older generation drivers are the ones who pave the way for the younger guys/gals, we need to support them in every way to make sure they live the dream we all dream. I'm 36 and this is my second year in the WOW at SAS and I regret not starting this hobby any sooner. Kyle's parents are not fools they are obviously loving parents who believe in him and his ability to drive a racecar. For those of you who think his age has something to do with the decisions he makes on the track think again it is not age it's called competitiveness. Every one of you has made plenty of wrong decisions on the track at one time or another. When he gets into his late model and starts kicking butt I hope he laughs at the ones who did not give him a chance. Good luck Kyle.


Kelly Earnhardt

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[Edited out by Nick Holt, 3/30/05] its to find out wether or not they will let the younger drivers race or not i could really careless if kyle was 12 i just want to know if they are gonna let the younger kids race like i said before i have kids of my own who want to its got nothing to do with kyle and once again i would like to apologize to him cause this wasnt ment to single him out.........................

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I understand that your not trying to single him out but sometimes questions like yours can open a can of worms and give other people the opportunity to write negative things. I enjoy reading TSZ everyday because it's a way to keep up withwhat is going on at the other tracks but.........there are certain questions that are better off being asked directly to track management. I know it's hard for some people not to think negative thoughts and I'm sure you will agree that your question has brought some unwanted comments towards Kyle on this post. However we do live in America so we have that right to freedom of speech but it's not fair to him. I think it's time for this to close. That's my point.



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Questions like this one always bring forth a wide variety of opinions. Some you will agree with, others you will not agree with. That's what a forum is all about - sharing information and opinions about topics that are relevant to our Texas Racing community.


While it is regretable that negative opinions are always going to be with us, it is refreshing to read the posts that address the real issues at hand and offer points of view that we may not have considered in the past. I guess the negatives are just the price we pay to hear the views of those with insight and understanding.


Kelyd13, this thread - like all threads - will die a natural death, but unless the issue is resolved to the satisfaction of the parties concerned, it will resurface at some point - usually when a racer is directly impacted by the issue as Kyle was impacted by this issue.


Nick Holt

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Martin's 2nd favorite young driver posts win


Last weekend at Dover, Mark Martin said that if it weren't for NASCAR's minimum age limit he'd try to get car owner Jack Roush to put 15-year-old Joey Logano in the No. 6 Fords after Martin steps out following this year.


Saturday night in Mansfield, Ohio, Logano delivered on some of the potential Martin has seen by winning a Hooters Pro Cup Series event.


Logano took the lead on Lap 230 of a 250-lap race and became the youngest driver to win in the Pro Cup Series. Brian Vickers, who won in the series at age 16, had held that record.


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