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CCMS Enduro


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I went by Bartell Motorsports yesterday and picked up a fire suit. That place is awesome. I have a helmet. Today I am practicing at CCMS. All you out of town guys better haul your enduro cars down next weekend. Get ready for a whoopin because Monkeymania is coming to town!


Seriously. We need a lot of cars next weekend. I even heard Owen may give tow money to some of you out of towners. Sorry Joey, Flour Bluff is not considered out of town. :lol:



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Mary Ann isn't going to be there...TSRS has a meeting that day. I spoke to her today about missing the meeting because I want to go to Corpus. She told me it's ok for me to miss the meeting so now I'm hoping to make it down. Unfortunately my grand stock isn't ready so it looks like I'm not going to be able to take Jason to school :D .

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You guys are seiously under-estimating what Jason is capable of doing in a race car.


I watched his very first attempt at THR last summer. And, of course, those first few laps were a joke. Just like my first few laps and your first few laps were a joke. But this guy caught on really quick and was soon turning laps that looked like he'd been racing his whole life! I honestly was impressed.


I haven't seen him run at CCMS, but if he runs anywhere near as good there as he did at THR he'll be in the hunt for sure.


Nick Holt

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