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Poor Management


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Its my 21st birthday hell yeah. Sorry enough of my personal enjoyment. Does anybody out there think this could possibly be a case of poor speedway management for its weekly series. This is the second time in two years an altercation of this sorts has gone on. There is no way possible this is a one week thing it has to build from week to week with nothing being done to solve the situation. Im out happy to be 21 let me know your opinion.

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Uhmmmm first off Happy Birthday... Secondly your wrong.... Those two drivers have had no history between each other. It was not a management thing... I can tell you this Damon's car had been bad loose much of the day becasue he just got done rebuilding his car not from a wreck but becasue there were some structural changes that needed to be made. He and Wills got together Im assuming in turn 3 or 4 the lap before the yellow came out. I was told that after beating into each other the whole way around the track Jeff tried unsuccessfully to push Damon into the wall by that time Damon had enough and retaliated. This is what I was told and hopefully I can see video to explain it to you better. I was told is that they were leaning hard against each other all the way around the track under yellow banging doors. I know this becasue Damons car had a heavy black mark down the right side and the lap before Wills had one equally down the Left side. Now I am in the pits on a weekly basis taking pictures and I see what goes on in the pits. Damon happens to be a driver that I talk to quite a bit. And to be honest I have never heard him say a bad thing about any driver. This was in no way something that was brewing. Thats my .02 to steal someones line....Placing the blame on management is kinda futile casue they they are not babysitters. All they can do is fine and suspend. Lets say your a little kid in class who has a clean record and another kid who has a clean record steals your girlfriend. You get in a fight with the kid at school. Is it the principals fault that u got in a fight with the kid even though you had no history together and it happened at school... If you understand what I mean you might be able to see the correlation....

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You are correct in that the track management is not in the baby-sitting business. If two drivers are determined to slam each other around the track, endangering everyone around them, there is little the track can do to prevent it from happening.


But let's go back to your story about the two kids at school. Suppose everyone at that school knew that last year the principal had whipped two kids for fighting over a girl. Do you think the next two kids will think twice about getting into a fight? I do. I doubt there would be many more fights over girls taking place at that school.


On the other hand, suppose the year before the principal had only told the two fighters to be nice and didn't really punish them. Now everyone in that school knows that the principal isn't going to do much to them if they get into a fight over a girl. Fights over girls could soon become a common occurance at this school.


Most guys are smart enough to not fight over girls, but in a very real way, the past behavior by the principal does make a difference in the future behavior of students who are inclined to fight.


Get my drift?


Nick Holt

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Well after reading what you wrote 5 or 6 times I get what you mean. Though I don't think this was something that Mike would have had any controll over just becasue there was a fight last year and the year before that and the year before that ect.... I think if you look at it there has been at least one fight or another most of the years that track was open... Is that Managements fault if folks can't keep their feelings in check.... Edited 8:30PM MDR


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