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need to get something off my chest

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I have been racing at SOS off and on for 20 years and think of it as my second home . im really thankful that the Stacy family stepped up and kept the track open . Upon getting ready the leave last night , I noticed that the racers were parked next to me emptied all their trash out of their rig on the ground ! bottles, food trash and DIAPERS REALLY??????? Would it be ok if someone was to dump that trash in your front yard ? there are plenty of trash cans out there I thought we were adults . the Stacys work so hard for us as racers , and picking up after yourself is such a small thing to ask .

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As a former track owner it is still disturbing that there are still slobs who have no regard for others health and well being. My soloution was to confront on a public scale ,in the drivers meeting , the individuals involved . This usually stopped the culprits , and also put on notice all other parties in the group . Many times after a situation i was apolagized to personally . Many times i have been commended for this effort. I believe that this is why we , always had the cleanest facility in south Texas. Everybody has pride in a clean enviroment , and it is a contagious thing , Starting With You!!!

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I agree with all of you, no matter what happen or how bad your night was there is no excuse for doing something like that. We have a nice place to play on the weekends and we don't need crap like that going on. I hope I never see this happening at the track, might not be able to control myself.

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I would hope the people that did this, will read these post's and have better sense, than to trash the race track. Most of us know exactly who was parked where, and who the culprits are. But then again if they really had any morals to start with, there wouldn't be a need in the post's. Wonder how they would feel if say you or I showed up at the house for a get together, and when we left, we just through our trash out in their yard. The way I see it there is no difference, that is the Stacy/ SOS yard. And that's all I have to say about that.

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I agree not first time that has happened. Last time I was there same thing happened and I thought maybe someone had accidentally dropped it, but I guess it was same people looked like trash can had been dumped, diapers too. Me and my son picked it all up that night. It is ridiculous people have no more respect than that.

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