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me and krusty rusty stopped by oval components and we were looking at the new #50 car. We noticed it had some defects from victory circle, so we took it upon ourselves to straighten them out with a 20lb sledge. she looks real good now, we got rid of all those pesky straight bars and straight sheet metal, looks like its ready to hit the track. good luck with this one guys.


big john

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OK, the head is feeling better, the coffee is working and I feel a Krusty coming on. First of all I'm impressed that Big John and Krusty could find Oval Components, did somebody get a new GPS for Christmas, or is that where they threw you off the bus? Second, Thanks for all the modifications you made. With 2 outstanding engineeers such as yourself, I'm sure it will be a winner. Please feel free to make any other modifications you feel necessary to make it as competitive as Y'all. Third, that was NOT our car, it was built incorrectly and the new one should be arriving in the next 10 days. That car has been sold to a group in Dallas, I think their name was The Bandito's or something like that. I have forwarded Big John's and Krusty's address to them so they can show their appreciation to them personally. Lastly, LLLloyd, the "washed up" Mac Daddy has ordered the all new LLL bumper from Victory Circle. Hope ya like it. See y'all at the banquet. I'll bring some magic markers. :D

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LLLloyd! Good to see ya up so early. Of course it's all in fun, we here at Yale Motor Sports would NEVER actually install an extra super heavy duty chrome molly reinforced armor plated LLL Victory Circle bumper on our car. We was just kidding around too. :rolleyes: We got a whole bunch of pink magic markers for the banquet and some special home brew for you and Krusty and Big John. Don't spill any of it on a painted surface. :blink: See y'all there!

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LLLloyd, That Ranch hand bumper is only good for pushing animals around. He recomends the MDYRRB or Mac Daddy Yale Reinforced Rear Bumper. I heard it even comes in lemon lime green! Hope that helps ya out.

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svc why did you remove your remarks about the giraffe hudak. you scared he's gonna lay the smack down on you in the lil shop of nothing. ol mac daddy is gonna need that reinforced rear bumper for when i get behind him next year. also the lemon lime car you all know and love will no longer exist it is sporting a brand new paint job which will be unveiled soon. bring it on ladies!

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LOL, Giraffe Hudak. I thought you went and got all sensitive on us LLLloyd, So I took the part off questioning the size of your stones. Little shop of nothing is appropriate right now. No car in the shop. Hey, if you can catch us you just bring that bad boy bumper on. We ain't skeered. I heard LLLoyds new paint scheme was a Cheetah motif. Dang, I'll have to come up with a new nick name for him now. Wassup with your little buddy Beau? He running next year?

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i dont think you have to worry bout me gettin sensitive. no the car will not be pink but you can bet that there will be pink on it somewhere. i got overruled on having the cheetah paint job i wanted to support susie q. so i'll post pics as soon as we get the car all put together. lil 00 is gonna race next year and he said mike better watch out cuz he's coming for his old a$$.

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WHOA Nick, call off the dogs. That is not a THIN air chassis, it is a FART ( Fast Air Racing Taxi ) chassis. You'll have to take up any infringements on your patent with them. By the way, they said your design stinks.

LLLloyd, LOL. You youngsters are something else. Look at you all, young and dumb and full of.....vinegar sliding around on your right rear tire. I predict the old farts of TSRS will hold school for you youngsters this year. Prepare for a spanking or at least some time in a corner. LOL

I am soooo looking forward to the banquet. Let the smack down begin! :D

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