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street stock race 4/5


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I drove the White 3d car that finished 3rd. I wasin 2nd for atleast 2 Laps and with 2 Laps to go yall called a red flag and put leland in front of me. As you can see in the video i clearly passed him coming out of turn 2. Any explanation on why he was put in front of me. April 5th Street stock feature At Cotton Bowl Speedway:


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I watched the video. Yes you should have been in 2nd on the restart. There is a cone and we cant pass till then? Never heard of that. So what if the first few cars take off and the car in front of you is very slow at taking off?? We are supposed to wait behind the car in front of you before you can pass him?? hmmmm As I understand it, when the leader takes off, its time to race.

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They explained that over the race radio if this is the instance i am thinking of. On the first restart they waived it off because you jumped, the second time you were penalized one spot for jumping. Mind you i was in the mod lineup chute so i couldn't tell you what color your car is...just what i remember hearing.

I do agree on single file lineups the cone, i do not on double file restarts, once the green light and flag waves it should be on.

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I didn't pass until after the cone. I started going before the cone but didn't pass until after... Idk but on the restart before the last caution when they put him in front of me I didn't pass until turn 2 because he washed up. So how did I jump the start? If I was gonna get penalized for jumping it would have been on the restart before?

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After watching the video again i never even passed anyone before the flagstand on any restarts. Even if the rule is don't pass until the orange cone "which I was very aware of from drivers meeting" I didn't pass until flagstand so DEFINITELY should have been well within the rules. I normally race a sport mod here and enjoy racing this track I just hope the officials aren't trying to help the locals in the race... Not cool

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I know it's been said many times if you have a problem go to the officials the very same night. I heard the same thing over radio as SM44 heard. Numerous people were saying the same thing. So it wasn't just one single person saying you jumped it more than once. It's a level field. There is no favoritism.. This is not a issue for this forum. The officials do not get on here. You need to discuss this at track. The same night. Thank You.

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I talked to Danny. But would like to know what defines jumping the start?? Is it taking off before the person in front of you or is it passing before the cone? Doesn't have to be an argument, maybe different racers opinions would help define it.

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Every track, every flagman, every driver and every fan has their own idea of what constitutes a jump start.


The best thing to do is try and figure out what your track considers a jump start and do your best to comply.


That being said, I ask that this does not turn into a 'bash the track" session.





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Not at all bashing the track. My favorite track to race at! Plan on racing here alot this year. No big deal no hard feelings just thought it was a good topic to be discussed among racers but you are probably right there will most likely never be any resolution between racers opinions lol

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I absolutely think it's a great topic to discuss... I have my own opinion...


I think the Pole sitter should have his choice of whether to start outside pole or inside pole. And the pole sitter (no matter whether outside or inside) cannot be jumped by the other lead car. The second part of that should be that the pole sitter cannot accelerate until the green flag is displayed.


On the other hand, several tracks I have been to allow the pole sitter dictate the start and we see the pole sitter racingwell before the green is ever dropped. To me this is a very poor way to get a race started.


IMHO re-starts should be with the leader all alone up front and able to choose whether he wants inside or outside. No passing until a predetermined spot on the track (cone, flagstand, whatever). That way it's easy to call a jump.



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If you are say 8th, 5th row inside and the leader is out front. And the 6th place guy (4th row inside )pushed up or half spins on the start. The leaders are through 4 and beginning of the straight and the 4th and 5th rows are just entering 3 comming off the back straight then what? You can't pass or get docked. You check up and get ran over.

My opinion is the leader starts the race...only on restarts not thr initial green. Once the lights go out he can go...back straight, entry to three, middle of 3/4. Once he goes the green drops and racing starts. No cones needed.

Now on single file restarts i believe there needs to be a cone and no passing before it.

This is how 90% of dirt tracks do it and it works great imo.


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And I've seen guys start racing have way down the back straight and wrecking going into three under the "leader starts it" method. The flag guy has to have some control and the guys still on the front straight aren't even to turn one when the pole sitter takes off

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Under caution leading up to the restart I would stay nose to tail with the car in front of you. If you dont which I saw twice you leave yourself open to what you call a bad call. Getting a rolling faster start on someones blind side even though its on the outside leaves it in the hands of the officials to make a call against you. Nose to tail keeps that from happening and out of the officials hand.

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Nick, that's true. I like the leader starting the race but not until the leader at least enters turn 3. Im not a fan of the leader starting half way down the back straightaway.


The flagman always has the ultimate control, he's the one with the flags in his hands. If he doesn't like the start, he doesn't need to throw the green.

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