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Track broken into

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This was copied from another site, and I thought I'd post it over here, just in case the stuff shows up around these parts. There is also talk of a benefit race for those dirt racers on here that might want to race, or those who may just want to watch. They are talking a Sunday show, so not to conflict with weekly shows. I'll post more infop when it becomes available.



From whowon.com, by Doug Rollo


I am very depressed and upset by the turn of events that has happened to a local small time raceway that has suffered a major blow to it's existance by the vandals and thieves that have pretty much stolen everything the track owns. If it was not bolted down or locked down, it was stolen. Grand Prarie Speedway in the Dallas / Ft. Worth area has suffered a loss of just about everything to thieves. They have stolen all of the concessions food, drinks and other supplies. They have broken into the office and storage area's and taken all communication radio's, P.A. equipement, and much, much more. This sad news comes to me on the morning of race day on friday ( 5/2/03 ). The area has had a great deal of rain and the races would have been cancelled due to rain but with the turn of events from this major loss, the tracks survival is very much in jepordy.


GPS's is still reeling from the finacial loss it suffered from it's pay out that it promised to driver's for a special event race earlier this year. They payed as promised despite the low driver count and fan attendence. The respect they earned from the drivers and from the raceways employee's was more than words can describe. The Johnson family and the raceway's staff has bonded together to form a team of caring and strongly driven efforts to bring GPS to a respectable, family oriented raceway that provides excellent racing entertainment for the fans. Track improvements that have been made are numerous with many that are visible to the fans and drivers. There are many more that are not visible to those that visit the raceway but are equally important. All of these efforts came with sweat, and a great deal of money and hard work. The sweat and hard work is a commitement that every employee at Grand Prairie Speedway has committed to provide to this raceway in a diligent manner that will not end. This has been matched by the Johnson family and even exceeded by them.


The dificult part is that the insurance policy that the track has is not of full coverage of recovery to theft of property and it's contents. The policy will cover a portion of GPS's losses but will fall short in a major way. This will hamper GPS's efforts to re open it's doors so that it can once again provide great racing action for it's loyal fans that have been growing in numbers each and every week. Driver count has been up as well. So we have been on the right track to success but with this crime that has been done to the speedway, it threatens the tracks very existance.


I ask you all to report any information that you have that may lead to the arrest of those that commited this crime to police officials. If you happen to see any items that may appear to be of GPS's belongings at any re-sale locations or in posession of a individual(s), please report this as well to the police. This will take a major effort by GPS to recover from this loss. WE NEED YOUR HELP.


I will let the racing community know of any updates that are informative to aid in the recovery of this major loss of items and equipement. Please keep your eyes and ears open to any leads. I for one will be donating my time and efforts to this task that is at hand. I have informed the Johnson's that I am donating a 5 place cd player to the sound system. The Johnson family is not looking for donations and have not asked for any. But this is my contribution to the track in hopes that it will make a positve contribution to the big effort to open it's doors back up and soon. If you would like to see what you can do to help in this effort, please contact me by e-mail at ROLLO4@peoplepc.com . At this time, it is not known when the track can re-open for business. I will be posting updates on the situation when possible.


To all employee's, fans and drivers that work, visit and compete at Grand Prarie Speedway, we hope to re-open as soon as possible if we can. We are very sorry for this turn of events and the problems and inconviences and that it has caused you.


On behalf of the owners of Grand Prairie Speedway,


Douglas Rollo

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