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Jim Scribellito


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I just read that the racing community lost another good guy this weekend; Jim Scribellito passed away Friday. Jim was the one time owner/promoter of Shady Oaks Speedway in Goliad, TX. The first race I went to under his leadership will forever stick out in my mind. The grandstands were packed, literally standing room only, the racing was intense and that was the night Jim suffered his major injuries in his "beat the boss" race. I remember that night him explaining his story on how he had sold everything to move to Texas to purchase and run the track chasing a dream. Such a sad story. RIP Mr. Scribellito.



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Very sad indeed. Jim was a great guy to talk to, from the first time I met him while he and the family were painting the fences he was talking of his dream in owning the track, right up to the last time I saw him at Shady Oaks. He will definitely be missed.

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Our condolences from the CC Speedway track,he will be missed. I myself knew of him and talked to him when he first came from California. We lost a true track owner and promoter in the race community. He will be missed ,RIP MR. Scribellito. It should make us appreciate track owners and promoters that want racing to survive in any city or state. God bless all the family.

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Brings a tear to my eyes. What a special man it takes to pack the whole family and all belongings and come to Texas for a race track. He lived his dream and faught till the end to continue his dream. He also made a dream come true for many others myself in particular. He gave me the chance to race at the track my family spent every saturday night at. I feel privileged to have had him drive my car to get it ready to race. As a new racer knkwing nothing about a car(not that i do now...lol) he got in it and told me how to get my car setup just by driving it. The night I won my first feature at SOS he made sure to make me feel proud. As many said what a great loss to the racing world..but he will be watching us all now...enjoy his dream...Prayers be with his family. You are in a safe place now Jim...



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