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Weather in Kyle


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Yes, sir! I will do my best to keep everyone up to date on the Kyle weather situation.


As of 11:00 p.m., the cold front is due to move through sometime overnight or in the morning. There are showers associated with this front. However, the Saturday evening forcast has no mention of the "R" word.


The good thing is that the THR pits and parking lot dry out very quickly and the racing surface does too. The infiled is the only place that takes a while to dry out.


Nick Holt

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its 7:30 am and im in New Braunfels and we are getting pounded , im hopeing that kyle has a big opening in the sky just above the race track like nick said , the parking lot and the track itself shouldnt be a problem as it looks like this rain is moving through quickly , it will be the infield that could be a problem , it will all depend on how fast the infield will drain and dry , i hope it does it fast , keep us posted nick as there will be a lot of people coming from out of town

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i live about 5 miles from the track in san marcos and it seems to be tapering off.no more lightning and a light drizzle.was supposed to be a high in the 70's today but apperently it's goingto be 8o's 90's so that hopefully will dry the track up.ya'll come on down it will be fine. and to the camo dudes,it will be good to see (or not see depending on the chosen camo) you all back at thunder hill.it just hasntbeen the same this year,i still have bumper.lol good luck to ya. 25 hobby

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