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New Truck Series At HMS


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There are a lot of good points made allover the board.

Ive Heard

A)Car count is suffering

B)Sponsor ship is suffering

C)Fan count is down

D)Lack of budgets to tour

E)Race cars cost to much

F)Weekly racing is too demanding

G)The new TSRS is succesfull

H)Concern about were the sport is heading

I)Local tracks hurting

J)Tracks not taking care of drivers now

K)People refuse to pay more and receive less

L)Tour series appears to hve effect on car count

M)option of taking the coke/pepsi challenge

O)Shudda, Wudda, Cudda

P)Touring is for teams that can afford it

Q)too many cooks spoil the broth

R)CC is doing fine because it cost less

S)If local tracks become rental tracks =disaster

T)No clear cut reasons why car counts are down


I think maybe you get the point.....This is a brief recap of all the differant opinions expressed.

This says 1 thing at the end of the day


maybe its time we all start thinking outside of the box and come up with some great ways to fix it!!!!!!!

Because its obdvious that the old ways of doing things are not working anymore.

I beleive the Baker brothers are on to something. I dont know anyone one to take a 7MILLION DOLLAR GAMBLE on all of us. Do you?

This oppurtunity is here now for all of us to seize, We have seen were the rest of it has gone.

All these inputs reinforce my beleif that the TURN KEY RACE TRUCKS IS HERE TO STAY!

and will fulfill a very large number of your issues... Think about it

Lets all work to build a bright racing future for Texas, For us, our sponsors, and the brave ones that front the moneys for these facilitys

See ya May 17 at HMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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hey brad ive always liked passing cars on the outside at kyle but i havent gotten the chance to try it in a big car like u mark and james and todd......ur dad and my dad both liked trying to pass people on the outside everywhere they went cuz it really shows that person they r passing how good ur car is.....i have only been passed on the outside once and i know that when he did it hurt my self esteem a little escpecially since it was my brother. :angry:

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Quote from Trailerman

I think maybe you get the point.....This is a brief recap of all the differant opinions xpressed.

This says 1 thing at the end of the day SOMETHING HAS GOT TO CHANGE  maybe its time we all start thinking outside of the box and come up with some great ways to fix it!!!!!!!  Because its obdvious that the old ways of doing things are not working anymore."



I couldn't agree more with your call to action! Now is the time for local racing to get fixed in Texas. Thinking out of the box can't hurt. Finding a billionare with a love of short track racing wouldn't hurt either.


I'm just not 100% convinced that adding more touring series is the way to fix the problems and address the car count and fan participation issues at paved short tracks in Texas.


Nick Holt

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CC did have Superstocks 3 or 4 years ago. They had the same dwendling car problem. They just shut the class down very similar to what SAS did. The 5 or 6 regulars that were trying to run there mostly went somewhere else. Except the Carlucci's. Now there is a whole host of "New Blood" in CC. Many of these guys have never heard of James Miclucek Sr., Rick Rapp, Slick Yomens, Billy Hardcastle, Jarrett Rollins...(showing my age here). The stands were full and it was a good show. Only 9.00 to get in also.


Maybe this is the wave of the future for the tracks. Build up the class that is supporting your track. Just a thought.


BTW even though Greg (sporting grandpa on his car) won the feature, He wasn't the fastest. I think the 91 was a little faster but got outfoxed by the old man.

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Michael its ok we all know that your brother has lots of talent in a race car. So we wont hold it against you. Just messin with you cuz. But did yall all 4 (you, bradley, your bro, and dad) get to race together in Witchta Falls refresh my memory what happened at that race i forgot.

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Do a Better Truck Series!

Houston Motor Speedway is such a nice place to race!

1. No Giant Boulders & Dirt in the pits, Good Lighting & all Paved.

2. No Porta potties, Nice rest rooms.

3. They don't crush cars in the pits during the week.

4. They don't have Battleship Plating covering the walls.

5. No hillbillies protesting the noise from their Junky Mobile Homes.

6. The Track Mgmt. has a cool accent, from the Land Down Under.

7. Such a nice place to race, I bet ASA is Begging to come back!

8. I see that Turnkey not charging an association fee & no entry fees.

9. 75 Laps, cool!

10 A series that Just races at Houston, Even Better!

I don't get what some are complaining about, How many people have the Drive to try & do a new thing, Take a possibly Dying Series & Go racing!

The Old ARTS Series has Repeatedly canceled races there at HMS, If they wanted to race there they had many Opportunities but Failed.

Only 1 Race there since it has opened. So Bla, Bla, Bla,

Good Luck on your New Deal.

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Being part of a crew on an ARTS team, I have to say that ARTS didnt cancel the races there at houston cause they didnt want to race it was because of rain the first two times last year, the nascar race this year was the same weekend as our first race there and they didnt want to get a poor truck count cause they knew people were going to the nascar race, the second was because it was easter weekend and they didnt want to conflict with a family holiday like that. They wanted to make sure they were goin to get a good truck count and not like 6 to 8 trucks. Also ARCA the new ARTS is running better than ever and has a lot better things going than the old ARTS.


Good Luck to all the ARTS racers making the trek to Dodge City this weekend the Freeman Motorsports team wanted to go but instead have to pull the motor due to some engine problems that incured at kyle this past weekend.


Josh Freeman

Crew Chief

ARTS #42

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