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New Truck Series At HMS


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We are pleased to announce "The Turn Key Race Truck Series" At Houston Motor Speedway, Starting May 17th and every 3rd weekend of the month till November.

The Trucks will be based on the Old American Race Truck rules. The Body rules how ever wil be changed to allow Dodge, Ford, Chevy, Toyota to run any "rules legal" motor combination. In other words Fords, Dodges, Toyota can run a series legal Chevrolet motor. No other rule changes will be made untill the end of the Season. Any rules change will be voted on and decided by the racers. This will be a great oppurtunity for those with Trucks or those wanting to get into the truck series and enjoy the great facility that HMS has to offer, With tremendous growth potential. For more info contact The Race Director Roy"Dawg" Payne (9:00-6:00) M-F at 281-356-1386

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Sorry Lzy88 That aluminum on the floor board covering that plywood floor has been replaced. Joe will not have anything to do with officiating, That is why there is a complete race program with officials etc. Turn key is just a sponsor trying to help out.....


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Why are you guys creating a new truck series at just HMS? Is this trying to hurt ARTS? I think ARTS has potential to be really good just needs some direction (and competition for Garrett :) ). I wish you guys luck just I don't know if this will work out. Kind of like the Texas Latemodels at HMS.

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Well Jason,


I think you are right, some former racers of ARTS just couldn't cut it. There is actually nothing wrong with the ARTS series. There are plenty of trucks out there to race, just some of the racers don't want the travelling involved with a touring series. Which is a shame as ARTS has GREAT potential, there just needs to be more participation. I just hope that more get involved so that all the truck racers registered in Texas don't end up with very expensive flower pots in their yards.


Not meaning to bash if this is taken that way, but why take away trucks from an existing series?????


Colby Tipton

Former Crew member of ARTS

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ARTS has a good program. Their is tremendous marketing opp. in Houston. Their are strategys laid out are for the specific market place potential. The touring Series concept is great and wonderfull but tremendously limits Sponsor ship oppurtunitys. Remember no deal is a good deal unless it works for everybody. The Day of throw me some money and I will put your name on the car is getting hard to do. Almost impossible. We feel as though we can deliver value to these people and return on their investment, in the Houston market place. HMS has a great facility that these people can have their employees, Potential customers etc,etc.

1-race a month also allows this level of racing to keep other issues in racers lifes in balance, Familys, Jobs, more time to be better prepared. Its all in the plans.

This helps racers, track owners, series sponsors thats the complete circle we want to make work. If people dont try some new concepts and have a little faith and work together

racing could ultimatley go south on us here in Texas and none of us want that.

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Texas racing at this point reminds me of the novice who builds a car, comes to the track and, almost without exception, gets his doors blown off. What does he think the problem is?

Heck, it can't be that these guys have been doing it for a long time, and have learned a thing or two about driving. It can't be that they've spent time learning about chassis setup and proper car preparation.

Heck, no! I just gotta get a better motor.

Why does everyone want another series, or more cars in this series, when no one has bothered to tell anyone outside of the inner circle (no pun intended) what you are already doing?

Build a race track, and they won't come. Tracks in Texas prove that one every week.

Build a crowd, and everybody: cars, sponsors, advertisers, will all come. I know it's a radical idea, but it's worth a try.

I wonder what kind of crowd you'd get if Super G and Smoke were both at the track this week, but nobody told anybody they were coming?

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The touring Series concept is great and wonderfull but tremendously limits Sponsor ship oppurtunitys


Now this has me wondering. The TSRS cited the ability for their racers to more effectively attract sponsors due to the touring nature of the series. Which is true?


Mr. Jones, what's your opinion on that?


cs :huh:

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It all depends on the market you are going to target.

one idea is not the answer to all by no-means. We have selected non conflicting race dates to open up oppurtunity for texas based drivers that want to run at HMS on a regular basis, Some dont want to tour, some have differant views thats all ok so lets go race.

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Houston is a larger market, but you're going to be playing to the same (small) crowd every month. A touring series may be in smaller markets, but will expose your sponsor to more, though still small, crowds.

With a single market such as Houston, you limit your potential sponsors to those who can benefit from that exposure. With a traveling series, you open the possibilities to companies that do business statewide, or, at least, do business in most or all of those cities where the series races.

So the answer is that both are, or can be, true.

But the value of a sponsorship lies in what it brings back to the sponsor. Simply putting someone's name on the side of a car exposes the sponsor to whatever crowd, large or small, comes to the races. If you can leverage that by finding a way to increase the value of the sponsorship, maybe by handing out discount coupons at the track, making personal appearances, "sampling" products at the track, tying the sponsorship to a promotion for the business; you can increase the value to the sponsor.

Of course, some of those things are also going to increase your costs, and add to the time commitment you have to make to the sponsor.

Catch 22.

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From what I saw Saturday at THR, there was more than one truck that could have won that race. The 10, 22, 99, and 77 trucks were all fast and were really bunched up at the end of the race. It was a good race. The 10 truck took several looks under the 66 but could never make the pass. Good luck to all of the truck guys. I hope the series continues to do well.



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Trailerman (Joe),


I have a few questions:


1) Exactly who is running the Turn Key Race Truck Series? What role does Roy Payne have within the organization? What role do you play? Are there others involved in the organization?


2) What involvement does Houston Motor Speedway have in the series? Is it simply agreeing to host the series or is the track management more involved?


3) Does the organization plan to pay purses? If so, how will the purse money be funded?


4) Who are the officials you mention?


Inquiring minds need to know....


Nick Holt

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77 truck was the fastest, and had it not been for a spark plug wire that fell off the 26 truck at the begining of the race he would of been fast too. But i have a comment, as said before the 10 truck looked to the inside a couple of times, if the 66 truck was holding him up why not try the outside?? If the 66 truck was holding it low, that would alow even more room on the outside, and nobody can say that the outside doesn't work at kyle.

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Lip service???? Have you not been paying attention in class??? LOL

If there were 40-50 trucks around I'd not have a problem with another series. Take for instance TSRS, now before you get all defensive, I love Mary Ann to death. She's one of the nicest ladies I know and has done more in and around racing than myself or most people will ever do. Her new series is doing great and I'm happy it is, but look at what it's doing to local weekly racing, esp. at THR. I was one of the first to voice my concerns about this when the series was announced. Tracks cannot continue to operate if they don't fill the stands, and low car/truck counts attribute to that. Not many people want to go pay their hard earned money to watch a feature with less than 10-12 cars, trucks, buggies, chariots or horses. Well maybe not horses, after all this is Texas. LMAO And if tracks start closing, where will all the touring series race? Well lets see, K-Mart and Albertson's parking lots are pretty vacant now.

OBTW, Just because I no longer can afford to race doesn't mean I don't do everything I can to help promote racing in Texas. All the stories, results, press releases I send around to all over, not just Texas, I do for FREE! I don't just "preach to the choir", I get the word out to the congregation. Let's see a show of hands here, how many people have actually gone to a friend, neighbor or work crony and said, "Hey there's a good tripleheader at SAS this weekend, with three off Texas top touring series there?" Just what I thought---there's your lip service! Besides telling/inviting numerous people, I've also got a post on another website's forum. True it may not be a whole lot, but I'm not sittin' on my thumbs either.

OK Edit away boys!!! LOL

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Excellent. You are a great example of "putting your money where your mouth is". I read what you wrote and I was inspired and motivated to do more myself. I am beginning to race ( I am 1 race old) and it is not easy by any stretch of the imagination to build a car, fund a car, find help, find sponsor help, or even load a trailer by yourself. It is something I and a bunch of other people do weekly because it is OUR sport. It drives and motivates us. We are consumed throughout much of our waking days by thoughts of racing, thoughts of mechanical problems or physics exercises. Even thoughts of marketing our sports, our tracks, our fellow racers, and ourselves. I can add but 1 car to the car count, and there are many who can do the same. There are a bunch of people who are "waiting" to get stuff together and then "try" to get a car together. I told him like I tell others. Don't wait - do, Don't try - do. You won't regret it.


Rebel. Thank you for all you do. I mean it.


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