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west nile virus


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There is over 40 cases of death due to the virus in Texas.let's all do our part as racers and empty the water out of those racing tires we might have outside. It doesn't seem like much, but it could save a life. Maybe even a loved one. God bless.


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Great idea and thanks. Funny you should post this - just this morning I was in disagreement with a headline that read "Worse Year Ever for West Nile Virus in Texas".


In actuality its the BEST year ever for the West Nile Virus - the virus is thriving and spreading quite voraciously. Its the worse year ever for the people effected by it.

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I know we haven't had much rain lately. I have some tires under an overhang and would have never thought they would hold water being covered. Our yard seemed to be infested with mesquite's. Sure enough, they were full of water and larvae. I didn't realize I was putting my whole block at risk. This could be a serious problem if we don't all do our part to prevent it.

On a funny note, my son thinks zombies will kill us all and eat off our faces. Gota love them kids!

God bless


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One of our I-37 racers(Dennis Taylor) has his wife(Liz) in the hospital with West Nile Virus....They live pretty much in the city.....It has also been reported on our news that all the SA area military bases have found mosquitos carrying the disease....


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Mikey what happen to you having a car for the octfast?
sold my caprice. Trying to get my monte ready. We'll be out there with my nephew's monte for sure. Hoping to get mine ready in time but running outa time. We gona wait and register at the gate.
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