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saturday's comments from the modified heat race


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I normally agree with about 95% of what i read you post on here and i truly appreciate the live updates because it gives many of my out of town friends and family the chance to see what is happening BUT....and you knew there was going to be a but. I take exception to a comment that you made regarding the second modified heat race last saturday night. Having known Ian for sometime, i don't think you can honestly say that you believe that he intentionally tried to hit the young mr curry in the drivers door. I am not even going to try to say he didn't hit him but Ian is not the kind of guy to go for the door....trust me he wanted to rip the left front off of the car if he could have and who could blame him....there hasn't been a feature race this season that someone hasn't given him the old twist and shout and he has never retaliated. But it seems apparent that if you don't go out there and tear someone up you will just get booted every time you get on the track with this group of guys. Giving someone the bump and run is one thing but it doesn't appear that the drivers that are trying to bump and run have quite perfected the move yet because it normally ends up being a hook and spin move....but hey don't get me wrong...this has been one of the most competitive seasons at HMP that i have ever been involved in and we will continue to try to get fast enough to prevent being the victim of the free round trip ticket every week. keep up the good work and look forward to seeing you at the track on double feature night....just wanted to clear the air regarding my drivers intentions. I think you would agree that ian is one of the cleaner drivers on most nights and also a pretty nice guy as well..

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I report the racing action as it unfolds and report what I see. You have every right in the world to disagree with what I wrote, but I stand by every word I typed regarding this particular incident involving Ian and Bayley.


That being said, I freely admit that I make many mistakes and during the live updates and also recognize that there is no time to go back and correct as the evening unfolds. Oh, I guess I could wait until the races are over and then just list the unofficial finishing order, but most people tune into watch the action unfold as it unfolds.


Let me ask you to do something for me, liljoe. Sit in front of the TV during an action movie with a laptop in your lap. Now type out what you see so that it makes sense to your readers. After every paragraph or thought, find the enter key and start a new page. Don't fall behind now. Oh, and then during every commercial break, go back and list what happened one more time making sure you've got it in the right order and all spelled correctly. Oh, and surround yourself with several people all doing different tasks and communicating loudly with each other and with folks on a two-way radio. Now turn on a talk radio show and be prepared to tell someone what was being said on the radio if asked. One more thing. Add dozens of people texting you at the same time and read each text and decide whether it would be appropriate to include in your narrative.


That's basically what I do up there. It may look very easy, but give it a whirl for the next four or five hours straight.


As you indicated, you are part of Mr. Webster's team in some capacity, but pointing fingers at the messenger doesn't change what happened and, as I said, I stand by all my comments about that incident including the one where I say, "Not saying it was on purpose." Maybe you didn't read that comment but it's there.


I too feel that was very uncharacteristic of Mr. Webster and I have watched him race for many years. I like Ian as a person and respect what he and his team have accomplished. I even like his accent!



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If you would like to read for yourself the Umscheid Race Services Live, Interactive Updates for the HMP events on 6/23/2012, click here.


You can also scroll down that page to read any of the rest of the live updates I've done over the years....



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what accent, how do you type with an accent.....lol

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