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Texas Thunder Speedway results

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Texas Thunder Speedway Killeen, Texas 4-19-03

IMCA Modifieds

1st- #37 Ben Ketterman

2nd- #27 Danny Gribble

3rd- #9 Pat McQuire

4th- #68 Glen Allen

5th- #71 Glen Dirks

6th- #52 Ken Old

7th- #77 PJ Egbert

8th- #42 John Talley

9th- #2 Chris Renegar

10th- #86 Stephanie Henderson

11th- #11 Allen Essenburg

12th- #23 Greg Atwood

13th- #17 Bobby Sliva

14th- #1 Keith White

15th- #703 David Smith

16th- #66 Randy Yount

17th- #57 Brian Killingsworth

18th- #5K K Stone

19th- #A+ Adrian Jez

20th- #63 Hardy Henderson

21st- #3B John Blann




IMCA Stock top ten

1. 83 Chad Estes

2. 3m Jason Bogard

3. 63c Trace Crawford

4. 97 Douglas Lorenz

5. 4 Cham Savage Jr

6. 99 Jim Garner

7. 411 Gary Simmerman

8. 84x Eric Jones

9. 44 Allen Waltermire

10. 424 Mike McDougal


Street Stock top ten

1. 42 Nathan Billingsley

2. 1 Ty Hawkey

3. 21 Robert Simmerman

4. 00 Michael Walter

5. 65 Jeff Currier

6. 20 Chris Moore

7. 12 Scott Cooper

8. 28 David Gricks

9. 89 Anthony Otken

10. 34 Floyd Pruitt


Thunder Stock #1 top ten


1. 44 Jeff Medlock

2. 30 Bobby Norton

3. 20 Trevor Sparkman

4. 66 Terri Garvin

5. 69 Michael Legore

6. 48 Kelvin Sears

7. 31 David White

8. 02 Robert Garcia

9. 79 Stephen Wusterhausen

10. 70+ Juanita Craig


Thunder Stock #2 top ten

1. 43 Jessie James Cox Jr.

2. 63 Danny Dunn

3. 3 Robin Rasmussen

4. 77 Jeremy Adkins

5. 15 Terri Dillard

6. 88 Joe Cutler

7. 8 John Cook

8. 13 Jack Hemingway III

9. 21 Walt Moore

10. 85 Corey Stephan

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