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Bad night at CCMS too?


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FORD12, You need to talk to the drivers that were in the crashes wrecks or whatever. The 7 car told the track HE thought he cleared me and he DID NOT. 97 got into my left front so how is that my fault? As for 88 we were racing hard with a slower car and we ran out of room . Hell my car got more damage than anyone else. I guess 45 running into the back of me while stopped is crappy driving on my part too? It was a bad night , if you can do better BRING IT ON!Everyone has bad nights and last night was mine. Get a car ,come race then you can talk smack. Or hell come talk to me in the pits. As you know I am Sam Duncan SS # 19 . Thanks again.

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the luche mob- nothin' betta than a good luching on a saturday night down south....j/k i'm sure there are some guys that are very talent racer ,and not getting the attention they deserve because everybody is looking for the next luching instead of the next big thing from that area....but then again i haven't witnessed it so the luchers could be the talented ones....

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hey 19 wasnt saying i could drive better than u im not a driver. but from what i saw niether are u. you should tying racing in the bomber class they love to hit and bang there cars just like u. and on my other post i ment to say i would have like to seen grantz beat the luches again. its getting old seeing the same car win over and over again. but hey 19 i just might start going in the pits and learn some of this so maybe next year i can start to driven.

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Greg Jr. winning all the time as you say is because he his car handles better most others and he can out drive the class. Grantz winning is fine but he has also won 4 in a row earlier the season. With greg Jr. starting in the back all the time and going to the front to win maybe other drivers need to step up their racing programs. Ford12 , 12 must be your age by the way you spell or lack of ability too.

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crazzyhorse what the hell are you saying????does not make any sence.

trap hcihw???

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Bad night at CCMS? Doesnt sound like one sounds like a normal night of he spun he out and so on. Hear let me give you a preview of how this thread is gonna go. Someone is gonna say something about carlucci and tx trouble is gonna get on here and protect him like usual, then some others are gonna throw the two sense in and its just gonna get out of hand. So why dont everyone drop it and lets close the thread cause if you go back to last week and read the thread about CCMS its basically the same stuff this week as last week and the week before.

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Come on Josh, You're not seeing the big picture! However will Jason gain huge fame and fortune with this website if nobody posts thread after thread and we all click to view and view again people's comments of a great night of racing at CCMS! J/K!


These comments are not the real reason for the constant issues from week to week. The one thing people always seem to forget is, that the only people who can control what goes on during the race is the DRIVERS! With the glory comes the responsibility.

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Bad night at CCMS?  Doesnt sound like one sounds like a normal night of he spun he out and so on.  Hear let me give you a preview of how this thread is gonna go.  Someone is gonna say something about carlucci and tx trouble is gonna get on here and protect him like usual, then some others are gonna throw the two sense in and its just gonna get out of hand.  So why dont everyone drop it and lets close the thread cause if you go back to last week and read the thread about CCMS its basically the same stuff this week as last week and the week before.

No, I think I'll let the boys play amongst themselves from now on. :P

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For all of those involved in this board and CCMS! I have finely figured out what CCMS stands for ( Corpus Christi Middle School), because most all of ya act like a bunch of children! Grow up and state an oppion and leave it at that! You might also put some thought in to what you all are saying before you post silly stuff! Race hard! Race fair! Above all have


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