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yeah,you're right rookie .....he's got one championship compared to seven and he's changed the sport dramatically...no matter what you want to think rookie,he's tryed for three years to fill a legends shoes and turned out to be the little pig that needs to go to market....

1/2 the man and 3/10's the driver

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First, when I said as a racer he's no worse, I was referring to his level of sportsmanship not his race car skills. In other words Stewart's behavior has been no worse than Earnhardt's. Second, you obviously don't know much about either one of them if you think that Stewart is 3/10 the person that Earnhardt was. I'll tell you an interesting quote by a former racer that doesn't pertain to stewart directly but it does directly to earnhardt and it says a lot about Earnhardt and NASCAR fans:"People that don't know Dale love him. Everybody that knows him thinks he's a so-of-a-!@#$%. Everybody that knows Jeff Gordon loves him, everybody that doesn't hate him." Dale Earnhardt was a great driver, a great competitor, and I would imagine a great friend to those he chose to be friends with, but don't confuse that with being a good person. He wasn't.

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proofs you believe too much of what you read and understand 1/2....3/10's THE DRIVER....and i apologize, i didn't realize you knew either one of them on a 1st name basis?????

i don't know jeff gordon-but i like him....any more quotes you wanna proof bottomless...

but you've got your opinion, i've got mine...trust me i won't be the last guy to call you out on this thread....

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I have to add my 2 cents, or is it a dollar with inflation, any way. In 1995 I was trying to get our Busch Car ready to go to a test the next morning, it was midnight and we needed a part, Dale Sr. open his shop at midnight, in his shorts and a flash light he hunted up the part we needed and gave it to me. When I ask how much I owed him, he said nothing he was glad to help. Here is a man that got out of bed to help a no name Busch Driver, me. I thing he was a great man and very nice person, intimidated them on the track, but from a personal stand point a big man in my eyes.

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In 1989 a mechanic on our bush team had an ARCA car but know motor Dale sr. found out about it and had a motor sent from Dennis Fisher from carb. to oil pan never cost Peter a dime. The peter im refering to is Peter Sopenso the crew chief on the Nextel 25 car Dale sr. was a great guy.

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I don't think that Stewert is dangerous. He has great car control. I think he is very aggressive and sometimes misjudges the competition. He can handle his car and put it where he wants. It's just that sometimes someone else is where he wants to be.


Can you see the predicament he is in?


His job is to win or place as high as possible and to get his sponsor name recognition. Both of which he does very well.


Leave stewert alone and for darn sure leave earnhardt and gordon alone. You wanna pick on someone, pick on busch or newman, they need it.

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agreed zoom. My point was not to drag gordon into this anyway. But I wish that people would take time to remember the way things change. Given that racing is different when stewart came in than when earnhardt did, you can't really compare them. But I will say this. When Darrell Waltrip came in I loved him, most people hated him. He was young, he was loud, he was fun, he was Good. Rusty Wallace took him out with a last lap bumper in the corner of the 87 winston million. Darrell immediately became a great guy and Wallace was a jerk. Dale Earnhardt was one of the least liked drivers around, Jeff Gordon came in, he was young, rich good-looking, he didn't have to sweat in the ditches in bad equipment for years, he just got it handed to him, and he was a Yankee. Suddenly Dale is a hero and Gordon is a schmuck. The bottom line is Earnhardt was never as bad a guy when he was younger as he was made out to be, nor as great a guy as he was made out to be when he was older. As to the cases of him being a benefactor stated earlier, I think those prove my point not disprove it. Crazyhorse as to whether I'm throwing out "bottomless(sic) quotes" or not, I'll let you reconsider that one on your own. I've got a pretty decent reputation for honesty, and since I don't know you, I won't question your honesty, or let your opinion of mine carry much weight. I'll chalk that up to you defending your driver and getting a little carried away. As to believing too much, those quotes were made about Dale in a tribute show after his death by a driver who considered himself a friend of Dale's.

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Gee, Mel, I'm worried that NASCAR is getting too bland. It's hard to get excited about seven Jeff Gordon clones, as much as I like Jeff. Think about tennis with, well, what they've got now, as opposed to having John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors, Billie Jean King, Rosie Casals and a few other firebrands. At least, people were watching.

With NASCAR, if they aren't careful, they'll chase off all the new Dale Earnhardts, Jimmy Spencers, Tony Stewarts and even the new Michael Waltrips and Kenny Wallaces. And that will be boring, and boring don't put fans in the stands and on the Laz-E-Boys.

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I guess my point was to not judge someone on a personal level until you have sat down with that person and have had a conversation, 1 on 1, with them. Don't like the way they drive, thats fine, but don't say their an SOB if you have never personally talked to them.

I was wearing one of my T-shirts one time when a gentleman came up to me in a mall and pointed at my shirt and said, "Marc Madison, I know him have you ever met him? I have" I did all I could to keep a straight face and say, "No not yet, but maybe one day".

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I think the problem is everyone is assuming I called Earnhardt a SOB. I didn't I was quoting one of his friends. Heck, I'm and Earnhardt fan. I'm just basically defending Stewart because I'm tired of listening to so-callled fans that have "always been Earnhardt fans", bash everybody. Gollywiggle, Since he died, I can't find anybody who hasn't "...always been an Earnhardt fan". It's funny because I have been a NASCAR fan for over 30 years. I was a Bobby Allison fan when he was running NASCAR on Sunday and local dirt tracks on Friday and Saturday nights. 10 years ago Dale Earnhardt was a heck of a lot less popular than he is now. Bottom line is they are both great wheel men. They both go through their life with their own set of rules and some people like it and some people don't.

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An example of the hype on stewert.


Dale Jarrett punted Rusty wallace yesterday and NOTHING was made of it.

D. J. is not in the habit of 'punting' other drivers. In fact, Rusty said as much in an interview right after the race.

Tony, on the other hand, 'punts' more often than the Dallas Cowboys...

(Spoken like a true Redskins Fan!!)



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To help make zoom's point, lets look at the race 2 weeks ago when R. Gordon punted Jeff Green. Nothing negative was said about that, they even showed the replay and the annoucers laughed about it and said something to the effect that it was the 31's way of saying "get out of my way". If your going to point out and pick apart one guys driving, lets be honest and look at all the drivers this close. Oh but we wouldnt want to bash any of the pretty boy favorites, its easier and more fun and better for marketing to have good and evil. Now go back a few years, Jeremy Mayfield did a bump and run on Dale sr., didnt wreck him or any other cars, but it was "dirty driving" and Mayfield "should be penelized", and other b.s., he won the race end of story; but look at a Bristol race when Dale did a bump and run (took out Terry Labonte and some other front runners) on T. Labonte and it was a great move,great driving and so on. It was reported on for one weak, and then it was over. Never was a Dale sr. fan, but admire what he accomplished, if you like Tony or not, pick apart his driving or not, you still ought to admire what he to has accomplished.

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As far as comparing Tony Stewart to Dale Earnhardt Sr., I think I can see some similarities in driving styles. Both are/were hard racers that have talent. If you want to base it on talent I would have to say while Dale Earnhardt could wheel a car Tony Stewart has more talent.

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Racing is a sport of close calls, a driver can go for a move to pass on a tight track, if he makes the pass, he is a Hero, is he doesn't, he is a A-Hole. I have taken chances to make a pass myself, made the pass (after holding my breath) and everyone tells me what a great driver I am. I have not made it, or the hole I saw closed up, then I am the worst driver in the world. People can talk all they want, any racecar driver that has won races has talent or they wouldn't have been in the position to win. Everytime a driver goes for a pass, it is an "A-Hole or Hero Move"

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I think that you are right Marc. As to all the other comments, I think several people read a little bit into other people's replies that wasn't intended. Everybody just defending their guy. Just being fans, and that's good for the sport. Now if I could just convince everybody of why they should see the evil in the Dallas Cowboys and just become Packer fans, well then we would have really solved the world's ills. :D

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Now if I could just convince everybody of why they should see the evil in the Dallas Cowboys and just become Packer fans, well then we would have really solved the world's ills.  :D

there is hope for us yet-now i like the hell out of you


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