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Is it what you expected


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The Goodyears have some good things going for them.


1) All classes (with a few notable exceptions) are now running basically the same compound which means that we no longer face the dreaded "mixed compound" issues when we were running both Hoosiers and Goodyears. That makes the track much more consistent.


2) The Goodyears "fall off" slower than the Hoosiers. Teams are able to run the right sides longer since they only degrade a little bit over several heat cycles. But when the limit is reached, they fall off in a big way.


3) I like the previous version of the Goodyears better than the newer, "improved" Goodyears. The older Goodyear compound sucked for the first heat cycle, but stayed very, very consistent for their entire useful life until they fell off completely. The newer version comes on strong about the third or fourth hard lap on stickers. And the next several heat cycles are also very strong, but they start degrading from then on which prompts some teams to out-spend the others when it comes to tires.



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Well, I am still on my first 6 tires bought. And now having to find new right side tires. Issue is the Tire sizes that were avail at the beginning of the year are not the same sizes now. The Rollout's are a bit of a struggle. Keep landing at 1 3/4 to 2".


Overall Love the wear & performance, I think i can get atleast 3-4 more nights out of left sides. But it looks like will have to buy 6 more tires to have rollout & Spares correct.


You have to break these tires in the right way.. or your introuble..


Over all happy.. just have to change set up to get ride Hight. Not sure if we are going to have to change Gear's now as we are already Maxed on RPM.

Edited by abrungot
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