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Last night @ THR, we faced the task of working an event-filled Race Night without the presence of Deb Williams, Christopher Wright and others...


Yet, a serious team effort was put forth and - in my opinion as someone who stood back and watched it all come together - the THR crew was absolutely terrific in its duties last night. Let me throw out this disclaimer - I probably won't name EVERYONE who needs to be mentioned, so (1) don't be mad and negative and (2) please feel free to add on to what I have here..Remember, I'm 50 years old now so I'm prone to forget things! :P


We weren't 100% sure about the Helicopter and the Skydivers, who were going to bring with them the American Flag. In the minutes preceeding, Terry Barden ("TB") took charge and worked with me and Ryan Conine (new THR Production Director) and we got through that (the 29-MPH winds negated any skydivers, but we did have 2 Fly-Bys which were pretty cool)...


Kathy Tiemann and Mary did a great job keeping the announcers and media informed of drivers, starting lineups, and race results among others. Kathy really went above-and-beyond, taking her own time to provide the announcers and media detailed information on the drivers and lineups.


Ryan did a great job being thrown "in the fire" with Rodney and I, keeping the music flowing, keeping the Audio Levels coordinated (many fans commented that the audio sounded the best it had in a while)...and making adjustments "on the fly"...


Mama Dean, Kim McKim, Loree Mathieson, David Mackey, Stacy O'Brien, and the Flag Guys (Don & Darryl) all did their jobs very well, as did the THR Clean-up crew which worked a little harder than most folks would have liked...


It was great to see the Media Support out there - Nick-ster providing the much bally-hooed live updates; Jay Hallas writing race summaries for multiple media outlets; Mike Haag, writing stories and taking photos (he'll be part of the upcoming K-MAC Sports broadcasts as well).


Rebecca Cooper, CPA and Maureen handled their duties well, and Rebecca provided 2 wonderful Pop-Corn-opolus Easter giveaways! The 1st person to win shared some popcorn and IT WAS GOOD!


And Mary Ann, of course..and btw, she made a GREAT call last night..while we were in a tedious, time-consuming cleanup during the Super Stock Feature, M-A had the foresight to go ahead and hold the Easter Egg hunt for the kids on the Infield at that moment! It was a TREMENDOUS decision as we were able to keep the "pace" of the program; after the Easter Egg Hunt, we re-started the Super Stocks. It would have been a LONG night if Mary Ann hadn't made that great call. Great thinking "Outside the Box"...


And mucho kudos to Danielle Birmingham, Chris and their crew for providing the eggs and chocolate for the Easter Egg hunt. A LOT of kids went home with smiles (and chocolate)!


Again, just trying to point out and compliment a great team effort last night.

Edited by ChuckLicata
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Hey Debbie! You were missed by a whole lot of folks. As Chuck has so ably pointed out, it took a whole lot of folks pulling together just to fill in where you usually do your magic. And, of course, your delicious, home-made cookies were really missed too. Lots of folks stopped by the media room, peeked in, saw there were no Debbie Williams' cookies and quietly closed the door!


Hope you had a great time with your family, young lady.



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I agree that we have a great team at THR, Chuck. It was hard not being there, and I hope all of our pre-race preparation helped make things go smoothly last night. I'm sure the fans enjoyed all of the excitement. And, yes, I'll be at the next race . . . cookies in hand!


You're only getting a taste of forgetfulness at age 50. Wait until you get closer to 60! LOL

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I agree that we have a great team at THR, Chuck. It was hard not being there, and I hope all of our pre-race preparation helped make things go smoothly last night. I'm sure the fans enjoyed all of the excitement. And, yes, I'll be at the next race . . . cookies in hand!


You're only getting a taste of forgetfulness at age 50. Wait until you get closer to 60! LOL

:rolleyes: I agree great team.


:huh: Debbie, Nick wait till you get closer to 70!! :unsure:

Edited by wheelchair49
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I hope all of our pre-race preparation helped make things go smoothly last night.


Yes ma'am, it certainly did. Between everything you sent via email and told me on the phone, to what Kathy did for all of us with driver's lineups (her efforts and those of Mary were REALLY appreciated by the announcers and media), we were very prepared...And my personal thanks to TB for working with me through the night and keeping me informed so I could relay the info to the great crowd on hand.

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