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To all Drivers. Some of the llm drivers have tossed around the idea of having a class bbq on the 9th of April. If anyone is interested in participating as a get together and moral booster please respond to this string. This is not a fund raiser, This is a get together to build friendships and get to know each other just alil better and tell lies! lol. So keep on track incidents in the past so we can build for the furture.


We will need a large bbq pit. For those that want to participate--We ask that everyone pitch in on the food and drinks. We will bring our bbq tho it isnt a big one but can hold a good amount of food. I will coordinate with Jim to see if we can have it at the track since its where all of us rub doors. :lol: .


My proposed time frame would be mid morning 11am or so till just before dark so everyone gets home safe.


All interested---please respond. You may contact me at 210-528-0613. LETS DO THIS!!!!

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I would come if I could but I will be out of town. See ya in a few weeks!




WTH Why you want to be like that are we not good enough for you.


Alright guys you know what he his doing don't ya. He's taking the WEASAL out on vacation to pay him off. Yeah that's what he is doing.


Probably going to buy him some new dirt for the hole maybe even some new grass around the place.

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