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thunder class success?

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Thumper is ready.Tow gas is my concern.Ministocks have always been an important part of CC Speedway as long as I remember.My brother won a mini race back in 1976,another in 1987 and again in 1995.I won a few in the 90s.


These stupid rules meetings over the years mucked up the rules to where they are almost not intelligable.You can see the overriding and conflicting by reading.


Its too late to rewrite the rules.We need to just go race now and collectively petetion any changes or clairification as needed.We need to reaquaint ourselves with management and have faith Dan and Kandy will do whats best for us in spite of ourselves.


So now is the time for some Earnhart philosiphy.For the Thunder Cars:::LEAD-FOLLOW OR GET THE HE## OUT OF THE WAY.The rest of us are going to race.Everyone is welcome to join us. :ph34r:

Edited by thumper
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gb last year a few stood up and spoke .two of those were told to stay away or stay out of it .. ..two knew where the class was headed ..but you know old guys live in the past ........i am not trying to start anything ..so if someone has a problem with me .take it up in person ....this class has had its up and downs ..and has always climb back out of its rut .......less than five cars left to race in 1990 ..and was told your not going to race next year unless ...frank was not going to run the thunders ...we rebuilt and had 20 plus cars race on any given night by the end of the year ..so it is not impossible to regroup this class ..but it is going to be harder now than then ..heck it was dieing out back in the 90.s ...and way back in the 70.s too ..so this isnt new .....

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CC Speedway is the only place left to race a modified 4 cyl car and there are lots of them lying around.We need to coax them back and whinning will not do it.When people see us working together and having fun,they will want to join in.


The frontrunners is a great program but does not provide the speed some of us need.The V8 is a different world altogether.Some have moved to V8s and had success but many winning 4 cyl drivers had little success.Myself included.For me it was money.I might be able to feed a toy poodle but not an elephant.


Heres the key to reserecting the Thunders.DONT say anything negative.Encourage everybody to join in.Help whoever needs it.Open the doors for all cars.Dont use the rules for politics.Remember when we get 16 cars again the purse becomes a real prize and money attracts cars like sugar does for flies.Every one who pulls in the pits with a 4 banger is part of our family,treat them like it.


We offer more speed for the dollar than ANY OTHER PROGRAM. SELL IT.


Heck I just convinced myself.Now I got to come up with a tow rig thats econimical.Right now my trailer weighs more than my car and my truck can pull stumps.I am looking for a single axle lightweight trailer like an old boat trailer I can build just for my car and pull with a 4 cyl truck or car.If anyone has one to sell cheap,let me know.Travel lite/travel fast.Getter done.

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