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Is it just me or does everyone else have the same opnion, It sure seems like there`s quite a few out there that are like cobras. They are in strike mode waiting for someone to post something so they can lash out at you!

Boy, I've got to agree with that one, lol I do stay nuteral in all of these unless they attack the track

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It's a very fuzzy line between bashing, lashing out and expressing a legitimate opinion. I do my best to keep the bashing to a minimum, but sometimes it's very difficult to figure out the actual meaning behind what is being said without knowing the full history behind the various situations that end up on the discussion boards.



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It's a very fuzzy line between bashing, lashing out and expressing a legitimate opinion. I do my best to keep the bashing to a minimum, but sometimes it's very difficult to figure out the actual meaning behind what is being said without knowing the full history behind the various situations that end up on the discussion boards.



You do a great job Nick It's not your fault the bashers have a brain the size of a pea.

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