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Way to go Bradley


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Congrats Bradley, you held them off pretty good and did not just hand them your spot. I just wanted to know if you kept your position, because you past the start\finish line before any of the other cars behind you? What is the ROMCO rule for cars being involved in the accident?

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Thank you,


Romco goes back to the last completed lap and I was leading at that time, and actually the caution should have never come out because all that happen is we hit together and everyone kept going.


I got to thank my crew though cause we really did change everything on the car...


No we didn't do our double points, I had asked about it at CC race, but its cool we will pick a race leter in the season.

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Hey yellow fag Your saying the fastest car wins? No bud this is racing. Bradley and T wade got togeather (RACING) T Wade cut a tire down, im sure hes pissed. Bradley had a lil bit of luck go his way and not a single suspension part was hit when the wreck occured. If your saying the fastest car should win then man i should of won about 3 or 4 races in 2001. and Greg or brandon or Chris or Doug anyone should have alot more wins under their belt.



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I pretty sure it is him Jason...It sounds like he's got more money than sence...It's hard to believe that a driver of Brandon's caliber would allign himself with someone of this guys billigerents...



p.s.they're building a new wal-mart right up the road from me, i won't have far to go to pratice now (new parking lot and all)still waiting for my free pass though......

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Many of your posts seem intended to pick a fight. I have been very reluctant to restrict anyone's posting priviledges here on TSZ, but I will not hesitate to do so if you continue pick fights here.


There are lots of racing sites where you can be as aggressive as you like, but this is not one of them.


Thanks for your understanding.


Nick Holt, Moderator

Texas Speed Zone

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