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first race


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Well Charley are you ready?If you remember that old rusted shell of a rabbit you saw in my backyard Thanksgiving weekend, its now completely finished and schedualed to race this weekend.All built from leftovers.Might not be fast but at least I will get some driving practice.


I am ready to start with reconditioning my CC car.I am wanting to see the 2010 rules for a blueprint.Anyone know where to find them?I am going to print them out for a formula.Its getting closer to race time.Any help will be appreciated.

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Well Charley are you ready?If you remember that old rusted shell of a rabbit you saw in my backyard Thanksgiving weekend, its now completely finished and schedualed to race this weekend.All built from leftovers.Might not be fast but at least I will get some driving practice.


I am ready to start with reconditioning my CC car.I am wanting to see the 2010 rules for a blueprint.Anyone know where to find them?I am going to print them out for a formula.Its getting closer to race time.Any help will be appreciated.

oh four tires and a motor is aboult all you need .

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