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Heard today that the code enforcers are going to be looking for race cars in yards and that they are considered as junk vehichles i do not understand why the city and other people cant mind there own buisness i do not go looking i their back yards to see what i can complain about i thought you bought a piece of propety to live and keep your stuff at that is my thought on this matter and if push comes to shove i think we as racers and americans should stand up to this because it is just another way to take more of are freedom away from us................... :angry:

Edited by ebco2468
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I have already went through that they told me that any modifiction to a vehicle makes them junk but when i asked them how big of yard are they going to build to hold al the low riders and 4x4 that have a lift kit on them they said that did not count. dont try to us a car tarp even one that is made for them you cant do that even if they are in your backyard if they can see them from any road they will cry and send you a paper that gives you so long to get rid of it or they will fine you

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thats a bummer. I got a letter in the mail some years ago and had to get a car out of my yard. it was a pinto station wagon lol. it hacked me off. thats part of living in a big city I guess. I now live in an unincorporated city or town. and I dont pay taxes to build baseball stadiums, shoping malls, or downtown bullcrap that I dont use. on the other hand you guys have a couple of great race tracks. yall are gonna have to keep your race cars in the garage.

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I remember some thing else you are not to work on your car no flats no changing your own oil no working on anything if you have an old classic you can cover them even if they are not inspected but don't cover your 50000 dollar BMW or what ever you have that not legal <_<

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Edited by 1955chevy33
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There are plenty of other things I would like to see my tax money being spent on like infrastructure improvements. Hell I couldnt flush a toilet for most of the day yesterday because of a measly 5 inches of rain, yet we are paying people to harass folks. I can certainly them not wanting a yard to look like a salvage yard but working on a vehicle or race car at your residence should be your right. And how is having a race car parked at your residence any different than a boat. They are both meant for hobbies

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had my sons old pinto in the driveway for two days .and got alittle note saying move it ..i called and told the lady im working on it .she still wanted me to move it .so i did ..two feet ........ heck one man down the street has had a mustang sitting on jack stands for four or five years now ..he hasnt had any problems ....... my neighbors dont have a problem .so the call had to be from a driveby.. it isnt like i keep junk out there . the day they come by and say i cant work on my cars in my driveway ..is a day they dont want to talk to me ..

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They havent hit mathis yet.... Or haven't found me yet... and Heck my yard is starting to look like Gbs Auto salvage... Oh just found something out we dont have a Code enforcer in mathis...

hey i heard that a few weeks ago about your yard....................... :lol::lol::lol:

they would really love my yard........ :ph34r:

Edited by ebco2468
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They havent hit mathis yet.... Or haven't found me yet... and Heck my yard is starting to look like Gbs Auto salvage... Oh just found something out we dont have a Code enforcer in mathis...

hey i heard that a few weeks ago about your yard....................... :lol::lol::lol:


Well If someone wouldn't leave their sportmod on there front lawn you wouldn't of got busted ether... :lol:

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they got me too a few years back , They said that you can have only 1 car as a hobby to fix up or so . So I look into it alittle more I found out that if you have it on a trailer with up to date tags etc they can not do anything about it ,and if you put a car cover over it they cant do anything as well. Then they got all mad at my neighbors as well , But the bottom line is that someone has to complaine to the city for them to come out . Well I think that all the city trucks ,cars, and employees cars that they drive home should be licenced to the state as well ... So Ive seen alot of car etc without tags around the city ,, So what about theirs? Then the next stupid thing I see (wasted tax dollars) they patch pot holes in the RAIN????? Go figure

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they got me too a few years back , They said that you can have only 1 car as a hobby to fix up or so . So I look into it alittle more I found out that if you have it on a trailer with up to date tags etc they can not do anything about it ,and if you put a car cover over it they cant do anything as well. Then they got all mad at my neighbors as well , But the bottom line is that someone has to complaine to the city for them to come out . Well I think that all the city trucks ,cars, and employees cars that they drive home should be licenced to the state as well ... So Ive seen alot of car etc without tags around the city ,, So what about theirs? Then the next stupid thing I see (wasted tax dollars) they patch pot holes in the RAIN????? Go figure


lol Wait your not spose to fix pot holes in the rain? I thought thats how it was done...Oh now i know why mathis roads are so bad... :lol:

Edited by CJY08
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Say Nick is S.A the same way?


I haven't heard much about Code Compliance issues within the city, although certain subdivisions have and enforce their own subdivisioun rules, especially in the gated subdivisons.


I still say someone who has been busted under that ordinance needs to get a sympathetic lawyer to get the case heard before a judge.



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My next door neighbor's nephew got mad at me because I wouldn't loan him some more money. He called and complained to the City, and they tagged an old Postal Jeep that was in my driveway. I was on vacation when it was tagged. Before I could get back, they towed it from my driveway.

And left a ticket for abandoned vehicle taped to my front door.

$600 fine.

Rules of this forum prevent me from saying what I'll do the next time I see my neighbor's nephew.....

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The city of Mathis does have a city code . CJY they have a code out where your dad and all the cars are at but no one has pushed the issue about the cars that is why that big wood fence was put up down the road from your dad place

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The city of Mathis does have a city code . CJY they have a code out where your dad and all the cars are at but no one has pushed the issue about the cars that is why that big wood fence was put up down the road from your dad place


I thought they put that fence up cuz they like to run around in there birthday suits.....Oh well

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