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dear santa ..


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11 am we lost power on our part of power grid ... ..cant cook .darn going to miss those pies and homemade jelly ... the best ..... useing a generator from work .hope they wont need it ..to bad .lol .... so santa . i know i have been bad ..but why pick on my wife and son ..what did they do ..maybe you could have just burnt out one of my lights i use to see with ..but no .you could not be that nice ....... dont fly to close to my house tonight ......... hope the crews get over soon and fix this grid ..cuz even my friend along the street are with out .and some are widows and old ........... heck of a chrismas eve ...

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Could be the high winds today that caused the problem. I saw fences down on my way home today along with some pretty good size branches. 50 plus mph or higher gusts at times. Also noticed traffic lights not working at two different intersections. Hopefully those that are without power wont be for long.

yeppers slap those power lines together and what do you have ... fourth of july fireworks at christmas time ....... well at 530 santa and i came to an agreement ..and walla alittle flicker of reindeer dust ..and i can see again ..now if my wife can get home after hauling all her cooking stuff over to the townhome ..we can go have some fun ...... though going to be a late night cooking when we get back ... sure was nice pulling all those power cords out of the house and turning off that generator .......

Edited by HiTech
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heya, ht...

i hear santa is coming thru here (cuero) on his way north...

want me to maybe "rough him up a little" for ya?



seriously..really glad to hear ur power is back! just think...one day you and ur wife will look back and say, "remember the christmas eve w/out power?" and, lucky for us, you will have the story still fresh in ur memory banks to recount it all for us!


despite the trouble, hope you have a really great christmas!

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draggin all your stuff back from the townhome? Sounds like Santa has been pretty good to you so far. Maybe his gift this year is humility, you just havent found it under the tree yet. :lol:

im sorry forgot to mention the town house belongs to my inlaws .they bought it not long ago and havent moved in just yet ..so my wife got to try out the oven first ..lol

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