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well, folks...it's finally here!!!

let's hope kathy's positivety (is that a word? :lol: where's aj?) works and the rain at least cooperates, if it even makes it at all. right now there still hasn't been a drop here south of austin.


and, i just want to wish everyone the best of luck if you are racin' with us, and a great show for all the fans!!


everyone have a SPECTACULAR time!!!


see ya at the track!



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Well lilmod, I am still trying to think positive. Either way, weather it's a Friday and Saturday event or just a Saturday event we will race race this weekend. And you guys get a big E for your efforts for trying to pull in racers for you modified race.


Oldtimer, are you at least going to come watch this weekend? Hope you do.

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Well lilmod, I am still trying to think positive. Either way, weather it's a Friday and Saturday event or just a Saturday event we will race race this weekend. And you guys get a big E for your efforts for trying to pull in racers for you modified race.


Oldtimer, are you at least going to come watch this weekend? Hope you do.

i would hope to do so .but that will have to be decided saterday if i can get off early enough to make ithe 3 hour drive ...i need a pic taken with dano and bud .my other one has faded ......

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Practice went ok. No one hit anything or made a mess that I know of. We got my car to run ok. Took some tuning since we just converted it all back over from the dirt setup. It could be faster, but we dont have the time to make more changes. We ran some 16.0s and teens with a stopwatch. I clocked some others in the teens and 20's. So it's looking like a quick field so far. I just hope we get the car count. There may be some drivers that had planed to come but with the rain and economy, they might stay at home for fear of a rain out so they dont waiste money. I guess wait and see. My fingers are crossed.

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