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at 6:25 p.m., the race is under caution--full re-start...Kenny Bumbera tagged teh wall on the start..he and Doug Hooks are out of the race..more info when I get it, I just walked into the media room after doing an interview

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Jay Hallas is here and will file a full-race report..I am just going to try and give you a play-by-play til Mr. Hallas files his report..

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Lap 3..Brandon leads, Umscheid second, Robert Richardson third..coming out of turn 1, Richardson passes Umscheid, then passes Brandon out of turn 2 to take the lead...Umscheid 2nd, brandon falls back to 3rd..


(these lap #'s are unofficial)

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Lap 6...Richardson with a 4-second lead..Chris Davidson moved up to 2nd, cutting lead down to 2 seconds...Umscheid 3rd..Brandon in 5th...

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Lap 9..Richardson holding off Chris Davidson..now opens up a 5-car length lead over C-D..3rd Umscheid, Michael Crofford in 4th, Bendele 5th, that packs is about 2 seconds behind lead pack...


**Note, I'm in the media room watching this..the monitors only focus on the leaders, so I can't see the back of the pack..

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Lap 14..Richardson holding a good 5-car length lead on C-Davidson..The leaders are cruising thru lapped traffic...on back straight, looks like Richardson slowed down a little, as C-D moved up on him, almost passed him in Turn 4...Now, coming out of Turn 2, C-D is right on Richardson's tail..they ran side-by-side out of Turn 3

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Lap 20..Ricxahrdson, C-D..

Umscheid and Crofford are 3-4th, about 1/4 track behind...and look who's in 5th, Greg Davidson...

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Lap 22ish...C-D takes lead uphigh, as Richardson gets caught up between lapped cars...Tommy Grimes black flagged don't know why..Richardson catches up and stays within 5 car lengths or so of C-D..

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Lap 25...C-D and Ricxahrdson are 1-2..

Greg Davidson has moved up to 3rd place...he's a half-lap back of the leaders, though...


Lap 26, Turn 1, Richardson re-takes the lead..

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Lap 28ish...Greg Davidson into the pits..don't know why..


Umscheid re-takes 3rd, long way from lead pack...Richardson still leads C-d by about 3 car lengths..

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Lap 38ish...still Richardson leading, about a 10-car length lead over C-D..making their way thru lapped traffic..I believe Russ Martin just said only 4 cars on lead lap, i'll try to confirm that...


Again, I'm in media room with only a monitor, and they only focus on leaders...wish I could provide more details..


Greg Davidson came out, ran a couple laps but car is smoking..he's just been black-flagged..

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Lap 40ish...


Only 2 cars on lead lap, as Umscheid in 4th just got passed by Richardson..

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Lap 42...

It's all Richardson at this point..gonna take a yellow or some bad luck to Richardson for him not to win...C-D is about 5-6 seconds behind, from what I can tell..


No idea on any other cars, the monitor is focused on Richardson..

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Lap 45..Crofford, in 3rd, just pulled into the pits...


Lap 46, still Richardson's race to lose...

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Lap 47...

Richardson with about a 2-3 second lead on C-D..

Just a note, they've been running green flag since they re-started the race..

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Lap 50, 16 laps to go...


C-D still about 2-3 seconds behind Richardson, holding pace...Richardson, by the way, is running a rather high line as compared to what we've seen all weekend here...

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Lap 54, 12 to go..


Umscheid is running in 3rd place..Richardson again holding about 3 second lead on C-D..

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10 laps to go, nothing has changed...i'll post final results (unofficial) unless something changes...

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It's over, at 6:58 p.m.

Richardson, out of McKinney, wins it by 3 seconds over Chris Davidson..J.C. Umscheid finishes third..more results if/when I get them...

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That's about all I'm gonna get here, gang...


AGain, sorry I didn't catch what happened on the original start of the race, I was conducting an interview outside the media room and walked in as they were cleaning up...I was told that Kenny Bumbera hit the wall, and somehow Doug Hooks was knocked out of the race at that time..


AFter the re-start, the race was all "clean and green" to the end...

Check here for Jay Hallas' race summary...and the ROMCO site for the official results..


Gonna head out and watch the IROC race... :D

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