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prayer for leann albert

old sob

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Nope, God hears them all. Think of it this way, if God was able to create untold numbers of galaxies and not break a sweat, He must have quite a wide bandwidth in place to handle our prayers. I know I keep a gigahertz going every day.


But, for all the doubters out there, give it a shot and send a few prayers up for Leann to give it a test run!



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jim, ya'll took time out to help us with the roadhouse showing, it's my turn to take out time to pray for leann, may God be with the both of you and bless her with healing and comfort. thanks for what ya'll do for racing, hope to see ya'll soon, del harris and huff motorsports. :rolleyes:

Edited by pro2000racing
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THANK You everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yesterday was a real bummer it was like she kept spinning out in turn 1. we keep trying to keep her up and walking (dragging the pit cart along with us) today seems to be much better, we have had several walks up and down the halls with no spins so far. the Dr. says maybe tomarrow she can have a little something to eat, she is so hungry and thirsty not having anything since last monday. i cant thank everyone enough for everything, it brings tears to my eyes knowing so many people care. keep praying for here recovery and all will be good. the 1st thing she said this morning is she wants me to race this weekend, we shall see.

For all the Seinfeld watchers I confirmed with the Dr. this morning and he is the ASS MAN.

Thanks again to all.


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