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Safety Alert


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I have gotten a phone call earlier, letting me know about a safety alert for anyone and everyone that uses/or around Brake Cleaner that contains this chemical tetrachloroethylene.


***This chemical when around heat will put off white smoke. This is very hazardous.

And there is no antidote for tetrachloroethylene poisoning.


What is tetrachloroethylene?

Tetrachloroethylene is a colorless liquid with a sweet smell. It is used to make other chemicals, to degrease

metal parts, to dry-clean fabric and in fabric processing. It is also used as a solvent in printing inks, paints,

lacquers, varnishes, and adhesives. It is found in many products used in the average home, such as spot

removers, adhesives, paint removers, water repellants, wood cleaners, and silicone sprays. Sometimes people

intentionally inhale it to get “high”.


What immediate health effects can be caused by exposure to tetrachloroethylene?

Breathing or swallowing tetrachloroethylene can cause lightheadedness, dizziness, clumsiness, nausea, and

vomiting. Very large amounts can cause sleepiness, coma, and even death. It can damage the liver and

kidneys. If the liquid spills on the skin or eyes, it can cause irritation or burns. Vapors in the air can cause

burning eyes.


Can tetrachloroethylene poisoning be treated?

There is no antidote for tetrachloroethylene poisoning, but its effects can be treated and most exposed

persons recover completely. People who have been exposed to large amounts of tetrachloroethylene might

need to be hospitalized.


Are any future health effects likely to occur?

A single small exposure form which a person recovers quickly is not likely to cause delayed or long-term

effects. An exposure that occurs over many years can affect the brain, skin, liver, and kidneys and can

increase the risk of certain types of cancer.


What tests can be done if a person has been exposed to tetrachloroethylene?

Specific tests for the presence of tetrachloroethylene breakdown products in blood and urine are available,

but they are not generally useful to your doctor. If a severe exposure has occurred, blood and other tests

might show whether the heart, lungs, liver, or kidneys have been affected. Testing is not needed in every case.


For more info: http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/MHMI/mmg18.pdf


There is also an article in the August 2009 issue of the Americal Iron Magizine


Edited by cassy14
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reason every shop needs "msds sheets" on every product they use.i always told my guys "if a product removes,loosens or makes things dissappear,it's bound to be harmful to you one way or another,read the sheet".

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I first ran across this stuff while working for a TV repair shop. We had this stuff called "tuner cleaner" which was the same active ingredient, or something similar, tetraclorethylene. The shop was in an old house with no central heat, in the winter we used those big Dearborn space heaters. Man you could really tell if anyone sprayed tuner cleaner when the heater was on.

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