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i heard that the dirt track is no longer running latemodels i know me and at least one other guy have latemodel would like to see if guy for dirt would come run cc. monroe has said if we can get ten cars he will run but we will have to get rules would like to see latemodels at cc lets get somthing going

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i don't think the " hobby stocks" have been cancelled, they were not run last week to give the guys a chance to re-group and get other cars ready....they are far from "late models" point being was watching 6 cars run a feature is BORING ! and the crowd doesn't like BORING. but if you got the rules right you never know

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i am not talking superlates at all just all the old late models sitting around i had a guy that is crew for car at dirt tell me they were not running them anymore trying to get somewhere to run mine it is by no means an up to date latemodel but good enough to go fast at cc i not trying to steal cars from dirt track just looking to see if class at cc is possible racer will race were they want to race

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this post was not started to start a war with cc and sts it was to see how many cars are out there that would want to start a class at cc for older latemodels to run like I said before racer will racer where they want i am asphalt racer myself i also enjoy racing dirt i now know i got some bad info about the dirt track [edited out by Nick Holt, 7/29/09]

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CC does not want to steal current dirt drivers to race here ,they are looking for former drivers that raced dirt,asphalt,water glass, caca or anything else you can think of. Again theres alot of cars sitting in garages collecting dust! I personally know of one thats doing that right now!

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Well, my afternoon at the beach was a big mistake. LOL


I have edited and removed several posts in this thread. Lone Star Speedzone is not the place to get into a pissing contest between the folks who support their "home track."



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Yes, you may ask. But I suspect you already know the answer.


As far as I'm concerned, an STS driver can get on the CC Speedway forum and post and, likewise, a CC driver can get on the STS forum and post. BUT... if the post is simply stirring the pot, adding nothing constructive, or otherwise adding fuel to the CC Speedway - South Texas Speedway feud that erupts on here every so often, it's gone.


It is natural to want to promote your home track, but we will not allow it if it's at the expense of the other track.


Unfortunately I have a huge problem figuring out what is actually being said in many of these CC Speedway verses South Texas Speedway threads because you guys and gals often talk in some sort of secret code. You have wierd nicknames for everyone (took me forever to figure out who "Tits" was, for instance) and incidents that happened in the past are often used to put each other down without the rest of the world knowing what's actually being said.


So... I'm taking the approach that if I can't figure out what's being said, it's most likely a bash against one track or another and it's edited or deleted.



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Like the Energizer Bunny this CC Speedway verses South Texas Speedway smack war just keeps going and going and going....


I will ask again that those who want to keep this negative crap going take it someplace else - please.


Lone Star Speedzone is here to support all Texas tracks if their managers choose to take advantage of our site.


Thanks for reading.



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may i ask why a person who says he is a sts driver only is in the cc speedway forums you are in two forums for a track forum at where you do not racer nor are you a fan
i posted cause i have a latemodel.. only reason......

id like to say .welcome hope you can get some latemodels out of the dust bowls .meaning garage .....dont want anyone thinking im picking ...... those cars would be another good reason to come out ..

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Im not sure adding another class of cars will benifit CC Speedway right now.I believe any investments should be in the types of cars currently running.I know competetion is steep for Sport Mods and Bombers but Super Streets and especially Thunders are exclusive at CC.It seems thats where the seeds of growth will be best harvested.


The real question is what will spur growth for the currently running serieses.Does anyone care??


It would be refreshing to hear some positive imput.


Are all the people who are ever going to race already racing now?? Why??

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gb yes i am racing i run #71 super street and i am putting a sport mod together i also have an older stock front clip latemodel would like to run i remeber watching late models run when i was a kid and that is class i have always wanted to run but do not have money to run with tsrs and i know there are many cars out there sitting just wanted to see if it was at all possible

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The fastest way to get your lates up and running to me would be when the existing classes are full and the track is really humping.With a car in 2 different series it is also in your best intrest.Prehaps then a rotating schedule is possible where a class could have a nite off every 4 or 5 weeks without hurting points battles.This could lead to others having more than one type of car as well.I just believe to build a great stairway you need to build a step at a time.I might be wrong,I also like the LMs and watched them since the 70s.Prehaps they are a better choice.Is there room for 5 regular classes and specials like demo derbies,train races and traveling series?That would be great.


Right now it looks like the Super Streets are the strongest. Maybe we need competetion amongst ourselves to see what class can build up the fastest.What can we use for incentives?Maybe you could add a Thunder Car to your stable. :)

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Success breeds success and I believe it starts with the entry level class or classes. I remember Donnie helping people build Bombers to try and help the class grow and it worked. Soon some of those guys were getting or building cars to run in other classes. Once the entry level class has a great car count and the amount of people overall in the stands and pits increase, the guys that arent racing now but have been thinking about it, will come out of the woodworks. Once they see the tracks overall success improving they will come. It wont happen overnight but with some patience I believe it will happen since Dan appears to be in it for the long haul. I remember Donnie predicting that things would be greatly improved car count wise in a couple of years back when I raced. He was correct and I believe the same approach would work today. Get some new blood into racing and the old blood will follow. Entry level, low expense is the key to get people started, then its in their blood. I think its great that you guys are discussing ways to increase cars and fans at the track whether it be the wild and wooly stockers, wall bangers or Super Late Models. When everyone thinks in terms of what is best for the overall health of the sport at their local venue and not just themselves or their class, things will be better for everyone involved in the long run

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