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Well, Well


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sorta makes one wonder why you spend so much time on what the nerd is up to ...why do you do that to yourself ..cant be good for your health ......one thing is for sure i sure as heck dont want you mad at me ..who knows how life would be ..lol ..

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cus she secretly has a thing for him. the hate thing is just a cover. :lol::lol:;):P



Oh Cory, you are so silly. Eveybody knows who my man is. And it sure ain't "no cry baby busch".



No just go to nascar.com and read stuff.

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Ok Cory, now your just gonna make me throw up.


I don't think Boris said is to tall for me. I am 5ft 7 in after all. And he is a hell of alot better looking than cry baby.


And I do hope in a few years he will grow up and fly right. One can always hope anyway. But, DON'T ever expect me to be a fan. EVER!


And I ain't scared of worms anyway. So, let them all out. :lol::P;):o

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Kathy, just want to see you with the "said head" hair. That would be a sight. :lol:





Ok, let me see if I read this right. You want to see me with his hair style?


Yea! Ah! No! That ain't happening.


I will keep my long blond locks as long as I can. ;)

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I think I am gonna throw up.


They had a little interview with my favorite cry baby.


He's just trying to hard to be 'different' and it is all just looking FAKE to me.


We'll see how long he can keep this up.


My guess - - - - NOT LONG.


On Edit I will add that I agree with him on one thing. Some of the questions the reporters ask are just stupid.


Now Cory, Don't go gettin all excited thinking I'm lightening up on him. That ain't gonna happen.

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Well, it looks like Kathy is a tougher sell than I thought. Dressed Kyle up in pampers and a cute stroller and she still doesnt like the guy. All I can say is I tried and hopefully the kid will mature enough in the future that she will at least not loathe him. I know, good luck on that as well......... :lol:

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Well, it looks like Kathy is a tougher sell than I thought. Dressed Kyle up in pampers and a cute stroller and she still doesnt like the guy. All I can say is I tried and hopefully the kid will mature enough in the future that she will at least not loathe him. I know, good luck on that as well......... :lol:





That's all I got for you. :lol:

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