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Well, this one started out sorta racing related, but it sure has turned into another political commentary.


Let's try to keep our political beliefs at least connected somehow to racing...


Something like this: "I absolutely hate Obama and his commie pinko socialist buddies because my carburetor doesn't work right."


See how much more racing related that is?



You go Nick!!!!!Finally coming around!!!!!Cool!!!!!

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Of course politics plays a role in all our lives. Just like the weather does.


But we try to keep the weather stuff "racing related" and we try to keep the political stuff "racing related" as well.


I'm just asking that we at least try to keep the political rhetoric down on here since we're a racing site.





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The thing I see this going to is, the govt. is going to make you buy "carbon coupons" so that you can have the right to race.

think that is a stretch? I don't think so.

If only we could secede into our own country, get away from Obama bin laden and his socialism and have the united race tracks of texas.

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Tommy opened this can of worms yesterday when he asked for "any thoughts?"


Therefore, it must all be Tommy's fault. OK, is everybody ready???


One .......... Two ................ Three .................. GO!




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I'm guessing that Tommy was probably thinking in terms of how the GM thing would impact racing and not in terms of how it would bring about the total disintegration of our country, our cherished way of life, the entire U.S. Constitution and the pursuit of happiness. Or how it would change religion and sex and the weather.


So, don't blame my buddy Tommy. Blame Obama and both Bushes and Teddy Roosevelt. Oh, and Bill France, Jr.



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It's normal Budman.Anytime a driver has a problem it's never their fault,it's alway mine when a group of people and friends are around.I learned a long time ago, when you catch em by themselves,they'll come and tell you they messed up and shake your hand.

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So, don't blame my buddy Tommy. Blame Obama and both Bushes and Teddy Roosevelt. Oh, and Bill France, Jr.




(Sorry. Meant to quote Nick, not Budman.)


Or blame it on this...the American manufacturers are being blamed for building the cars wanted by the buying public.


But, that is looked at as being unenlightened. That's one of the problems of the enlightened class (Democrats), is that the rest of us, do not know what they want or need. It is their Socialist duty to make it so the only cars available, are those that satisfy their mistaken Algorish "green philosophy", which is founded on political bullshit and phony science.


It seems that we've already given up on Capitalism and have embraced Marxist/Communism, where the state owns the means of production.


These Quisling bastards have been around, in different guises, for several decades, and it is the failure of the common voter who couldn't see through the political bullcrap of the Democrat Left, and have sold themselves away; that's who I now blame for the country plunging into the Socialist abyss.


I will spend at least the next two years, making them remember what their good intentions and stupid naivete has done for our society.


IMO, it's the responsibility of any American to purchase anything they want; if others think that you're using more of the carbon footprint (whatever the fudge that is) than you should be, my first inclination is to tell that interfering Johnson idiot to mind their own business, and buy whatever junk they'll get from Government Motors.


We laughed a few weeks ago about the Pelosi GT... welcome to the real present... and all the predictions from George Orwell are becoming fact.


I haven't felt this disgusted about my fellow citizens, and especially Congress and its failure, in my history.

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The political ideas expressed here are just that. Political views. Some have strong political views in one direction. Some have strong political views in another direction. Some don't care one way or the other.


Just so you'll know, I personally tend towards the conservative view and consider myself a Regan Republican although no political label accurately describes my position since my conservative religious beliefs rarely are relected in any political platform. So I'm not trying to "quite the opposition" on here.


BUT..... and you know what's coming next.... this is a racing forum. Political statements - no matter how true or how deeply felt - just plain do no belong in a racing forum.


So.. I am going to ask again that any political statements posted in the forums be meaningfully tied to some topic of general interest to the racing community.





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.... this is a racing forum. Political statements - no matter how true or how deeply felt - just plain do no belong in a racing forum.


So.. I am going to ask again that any political statements posted in the forums be meaningfully tied to some topic of general interest to the racing community.






In my hopefully not so feeble attempt to provide a racing tie-in...


How much longer do you think Barry Obammy and his young, inexperienced, Al Gore acolytes, who are now calling the shots, determine by way of their socialist ideology and mis-guided scientific agenda that:


(1) You want to race? Ok, fine, but in order to race, you must purchase your xxx dollars worth of carbon footprint allocation

(2) GM, no more crate motors. They are not in keeping with our efforts in increasing our energy independence, nor are they in-keeping with our efforts to combat all contributors to the perceived global warming crisis


Nick, do I get an "A" for effort? (you know, I always thought that statement would carry more credibility if it was spelled "affort") :rolleyes:

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Most of you are probably too young to remember this, but in the old days trains used to have cabooses! They had the engineer driving the train at the front and one of the "conductors" riding the caboose at the rear.


Well, flying suddenly became feasible for many people and trains - once the pride and joy of the American public - began their long decent into whatever they are today. One of the first things to go were the "Pullman Porters" who provided many of the services similar to those one might expect on a 1st Class flight to Europe today. The next thing to go were the Cabooses.


Many folks thought this slide down the slippery slope of extinction was tragic in light of the railroad's illustrious contributions to the country. Some even sought out and purchased some of the cabooses that were symbolic of the railroad's glory days.


When was the last time you took the train to LA and your kids asked if they could ride the caboose? LOL..



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