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THR Video on YouTube


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I just uploaded a THR "promo" video on YouTube. Some of my computer programs and drivers are seriously fried, so the quality is way less then I'd like.


But here is what I'd like to ask of all of you - drivers, crews, race fans - spread the word! Get this YouTube link out to your email lists. Put it on your MySpace or Facebook, etc.


It is up to all of us to help fill the grandstands and get new faces through the gates. Not only at Thunderhill, but I would encourage all local tracks to work on putting new faces in the seats.


Think of this - if each car/team was able to bring just one new person to the stands every week, we could put 80+ additional faces in the crowd. At the end of a season, we're talking more than 1,000 new fans if each team got only one person a week to come out. And if only 10% of those new people became regulars, that's still 100 new fans in the stands!


I have visited quite a few short tracks around the South and West, and Thunderhill Raceway has a really great program. Exciting racing in most divisions. Mostly good car counts. Top notch announcers that keep the show pumped. A professional staff. The best ingredients are all there.


What the track [and all of us] need is to fill the grandstands with race fans beyond our own flesh and blood and in-laws.

Young Guns - listen up! This first video is for you - our new and next generation. It's up to you to carry the torch of your sport into the future. Go beyond your race friends and get this video or your own promos out on your MySpace and FaceBook pages. Send bulletins. Put out emails. Do your part to bring in YOUR new fans! Think about doing a weekly email update or blog to keep your extended friends and fans informed. Twitter them... whatever... just do it.


Lone Star Speedzone is very impressive - with the quality of work Nick Holt and the staff do to keep Texas race fans informed and updated - but it's up to the rest of us to reach out beyond those race fans and bring new blood to our local tracks. New race fans will breed more new race fans.


My next video [hopefully better quality] will focus on the family aspect. Cary Stapp gave me the idea when he mentioned how racing has brought his family closer.


Here is the YouTube link:

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