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IMAX will be introducing a new NASCAR 3D movie on March 12.


San Antonio Speedway and FASCAR have received free tickets to the advance screening (by invitation only) that will be held tomorrow night (Thursday, March 4) at 7:45P at the IMAX theater in Rivercenter Mall (San Antonio). Since no late seating will be allowed, we will all meet at Hooters (yes, we invited the Gardener!) at Rivercenter Mall starting at 6:00 p.m. Local media has also been invited to the screening.


We have been trying to contact all FASCAR members and San Antonio Speedway officials, drivers, sponsors, contractors, etc., to offer two tickets to the screening. Unfortunately, we are getting lots of voice mailboxes, no answers and wrong numbers. If you are a SAS driver and have not been contacted, please send me a private message ASAP. I will be submitting a final list to my IMAX contact later this evening. Tickets will be issued in your name and can be picked up at the IMAX box office.



Here's a description of the movie:


NASCAR 3D: The IMAX Experience!


Experience the speed and heart-pumping excitement of NASCAR on a screen towering 5 stories high, surrounded by 12,000 watts of digital surround sound, as NASCAR 3D: The IMAX Experience races into the IMAX Theatre Rivercenter on March 12, 2004.


Through the magic of IMAX® 3D technology, audiences are transported behind the wheel of a NASCAR racecar and are immersed in the on-track excitement at speeds of up to 180 miles per hour.


Narrated by Kiefer Sutherland, NASCAR 3D: The IMAX Experience provides an insider’s perspective of the nation’s number one spectator sport, with a brief look back at how it all began. It introduces the revered drivers and their lives both on and off the track, as well as their dedicated teams and fans whose unfailing support is essential to success. The film also steers its focus on the science of today’s racing technology, and the teamwork that binds it together. Packed with heart pounding, behind-the-wheel action, NASCAR 3D: The IMAX Experience delivers high-speed thrills at every turn.


NASCAR 3D: The IMAX Experience puts you in the driver's seat at a series of exciting NASCAR races. You can virtually feel the speed of the cars and the thunder of the engines. Besides being a driver or part of the crew, IMAX is the best way to experience NASCAR action.


With extraordinary in-car footage, edge-of-your seat racing and exclusive behind-the-scenes access to drivers, all combined with the magic of IMAX 3D technology and a sound system that brings chills down your spine, this film will immerse you and put you in the driver’s seat for the most exciting ride of your life!

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  • 2 weeks later...

The IMAX 3D NASCAR movie has opened in San Antonio. Since tonight's race at San Antonio Speedway was postponed, take the opportunity to go see the movie. It is awesome . . . really feels like you are a part of the racing action. Visit the SA IMAX website at San Antonio IMAX for schedule information. I think this movie has also be started in other surrounding cities.

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After the media showing about two weeks ago, the Bob Bullock PR folks gave me a handout saying they were doing something today, but it was kind of vague about just what they had planned, so I asked about it.


They wanted Cup cars, but found out that isn't simple or cheap, and requires a good deal of notice. At the least, they wanted cars built like Cup cars, which means, at least, late models. The problem, of course, was that all the late models ready to go were planning to be in San Antonio.


As we want to promote the Street Stocks at THR this season, I wanted to get at least one of them in there and was actually worried that that might be all we could do. I knew from talking to him that Terry Tschoerner would probably have something ready a little early, so I called him.


Meantime, Mary Ann had talked to someone (I think from the quarter midget club) about using Heath's car, but it turned out that it would not be ready. Casey Smith had been contacted, but he's trying to get his new ASA car ready, and didn't have anything.


I tried James Reeder, but his car isn't ready. I talked to David Snokhous, but he was going to San Antonio, as was Todd McLemore. (I was trying for a champion, or a rookie of the year, something newsy.) Terry told me Michael Jones' car was going to be ready, but he didn't think Michael was going to run the first race.


So, I called Michael. He said his car was about ready, and with a little help from Terry, he could get it there looking good, but without a motor in it. (It would have a dummy block, so it would sit right.) That's what we did, so there wasn't a great deal of decision about it: we took what we could get. There may have been someone else whose car was ready, but if so, I didn't talk to them. (I can't remember right now if I talked to anyone else, but I may have.)


That left us with Terry's Street Stock (looking good); and with both Terry and Tracy as drivers. Michael had to work this morning, and couldn't get there until about two o' clock. Tim Sowell brought the car, looking very good and with a surprise: he had worked last night to get an engine in it so that we could not only move it around easier, but he could fire it up once in awhile and wow the crowd. (Thanks again, Tim.)


The result was a lot of folks (maybe two thousand or more during the course of the day) got to see the cars and hear about Thunder Hill and the TSRS series, a pretty good deal all around.


What else did they have: About six quarter midgets, some radio-controlled cars for the kids to try, and one new (and totally blank) Allison Legacy car. We did them a large favor, and may do something similar one or two times while the film is here (through September 18). The cars got a bit of attention on KXAN, and the station may do something else later on.


By the way, the film itself is terrific, and even the Statesman had a great review in Friday's paper. Check it out. The film isn't like being there, but it will attract more attention to NASCAR and to stock car racing in general.


I'd like to have had more cars, but it was a struggle just getting what we got. On the up side, if we had had several late models, they might not have wanted a street stock in there, and I want to give you guys a big boost this year. You deserve it.



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TQ did a tremendous job getting the cars out to the Bullock Museum for the movie. He was already working on this before I even came on board with THR, and has worked out a deal with the museum to do some cross-promoting throughout the season. Way to go, TQ... B)


This is another reason we're trying to "solidify" our efforts at THR, and one of the reasons I want to bring THR drivers appearances under one "roof." As you're aware, we have several appareance opportunities that you, the drivers, have presented to us...and there will be several that we take advantage of...


This is just a part of the excitement that is Thunder Hill Raceway this year! :D:D:D

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