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TBS Racing on Dirt Take 2


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Well.... Its official Terry & Duane can't wait any longer. Since opening night wouldn't hurry up and get here, they have decided to go find it...


Against team order's Terry has created the 01 Super/Street Stock.. Yes you heard that right.. Terry's Driving a Super Street now.. The hard part, what city with a "K" will host the speed tomorrow night.. Well that would be Killeen TX...


A Super Stock in Kyle & A Street Stock in Killeen is certainly going to be interesting.. NOT to mention the change over that will have to happen in between races!


BUT HOLD ON... not to be out done, Duane Toyne has been hearing for weeks.. You need to pick which car's going in the garage this season from his wife..


Well I think he's still undecided.


A peep in the windows show NO car in the Garage, but instead a Red and White car on the trailer...

What a min... Kyle's not running races tomorrow are they..


Nope Duane's going to play with the Newly fancy'd up "401" that found its way to victory at Heart of Texas Speedway in the fall.

Yes it survived the 300 ft trip along the back straight wall, then showed its face in the P1 at the end of a B feature.


Saturday March 7th.. is certainly going to be an interesting night..


As for Joey/Tracy & I... You will find us hoping to stay clean on the other side of the fence!

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Well race report time. Terry worked his magic and drew pole for his heat. Came in second. Duane not so lucky drew 5th in the second heat. Lower hose blew off ending his heat race night.


Feature 01 started 3rd and 02 duane started 16th deep in traffic. 01 held his own upfront end while lapping cars. 02 worked his way into the top 10 before either an air bubble or mud over heated the car.


Terry found his way thru the weeds after a trip off the top of turn 3, thinking it was a flat under green he decided to load up.


They showed they can be contenders on dirt.


Oh and sorry for and mud clumps going home or at kyle in a few weeks!

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WOW, what a fun time. No so much the results, but a blast anyway. We'll get there. I'll post a few pics if I can get the camera to work. See everyone this weekend in Kyle for the Nascar show!!! D.


[pictures resized by debwill]





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AND WHEN WAS I SPOSSED TO FIND OUT ABOUT THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and oh, um... is that... Tire Shine :huh: on those.. at the dirt track!?! and and duane, you missed a spot on the wax job...



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