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Longhorn Round-up Sat. night results

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Heat #1: (16) Chris Henigan; (60) William Gould; (115) Brandon Smith; (26) Patrick Linn; (75) Mike Morris; (715) Otis Green; (18) Cody Smith; (143) Kevin Forester; (191) Shane Marquez; (34) Craig Chaffin


Heat #2: (04) Billy Carroll; (30) Greg Herron; (151) Bobby Ruffin; (511) Sean Jones; (7) Brandon Melton; (51) Rusty Trevathan; (117) Ricky Stapleton; (90) Robert Taylor; (07) Carl Kincaid; (111) Adam Martin


Heat #3: (17) Tommy Davis, Jr.; (59) Marty Stanford; (561) Tristan Dycus; (101) Shawn Blees; (175) Kyle Taylor; (83) Zach Woods; (487) Ronny Sigman; (29) Nathan Suggs; (121) Jeremy Ishmael; (187) Chris Heller


Heat #4: (88) Clyde Dunn, Jr.; (178) Larry Killian; (33) Carl Large; (82) Max Eddie Thomas; (015) Shad Wells; (68) Shane Clement; (21) Lyle Shepard; (202) Kenny Zeigler; (516) Charlie Smith; (71) Billy Garza


Heat #5: (156) Troy Taylor; (226) Tim Crawley; (0) Wayne Brooks; (77) Robbie Starnes; (24) David McKay; (41) Jason Wilkey; (114) Randy Thomas; (19) Brian Slader; (08) James Lodewell; (815) Thomas Blackwell


Heat #6: (118) Nicholas Littlejohn; (27) Jimmy Littlejohn; (221) Corky Ramm; (12) Johnny Bone, Jr.; (110) Jerry Waugh; (124) Danny Geiber; (22) Jason Gore; (89) John Reichard; (58) Rodney Stanford; (56) Bobby Skinner


Heat #7: (11) Jason Friesen; (122) Bobby Otts; (1) Larry Clevenger; (177) Gary Andrews; (2) Todd Short; (39) Ron Emmerson; (116) Tommy Heningan; (53) Marty Redmon; (44) Scotty Brown; (57) Blaine Shives


Heat #8: (15) Wes Armstrong; (14) Josh Landers; (210) Greg Waugh; (9) Shane Hebert; (79) Jeff White; (97) Jack Sartain; (182) Brandon Houk; (35) Tim Echevarria; (211) Tracy Peters


Heat #9: (72) Jason Sullivan; (81) Jason England; (6) Kyle Pleasant; (123) Howard Willis; (47) Bobby Malchus; (234) Rickey Haney; (13) David Mitchell; (48) Allan Brown; (216) Rex Merritt


Heat #10: (87) Billy Melton; (021) Chris Brown; (23) Gary Chambless; (95) Steve Rutherford; (80) Jeff Benson; (01) Billy Robinson; (171) Roy Harpole; (010) Jeremy Willis; (190) Shawn Stephenson


B Feature #1: (60) Gould; (30) Herron; (115) Smith; (51) Trevathan; (7) Melton; (18) Smith; (90) Taylor; (715) Green; (117) Stapleton; (26) Linn; (111) Martin; (07) Kincaid; (34) Chaffin; (143) Forester; (75) Morris; (151) Ruffin; (511) Jones; (191) Marquez


B Feature #2: (178) Killian; (59) Stanford; (561) Dycus; (33) Large; (83) Woods; (487) Sigman; (21) Shepard; (175) Taylor; (101) Blees; (121) Ishmael; (187) Heller; (29) Suggs; (71) Garza; (202) Zeigler; (82) Thomas; (015) Wells; (68) Clement; (516) Smith-dns


B Feature #3: (226) Crawley; (0) Brooks; (27) Littlejohn; (41) Wilkey; (24) McKay; (221) Ramm; (124) Geiber; (22) Gore; (77) Starnes; (114) Thomas; (89) Reichard; (110) Waugh; (08) Lodewell; (815) Blackwell; (12) Bone; (56) Skinner; (19) Slader; (58) Stanford-dns


B Feature #4: (122) Otts; (177) Andrews; (14) Landers; (2) Short; (210) Waugh (79) White; (44) Brown; (9) Hebert; (35) Tim Echevarria; (53) Marty Redmon; (57) Shives; (39) Emmerson; (1) Clevenger; (182) Houk; (116) Heningan; (211) Peters-dns; (97) Sartain


B Feature #5: (81) England; (6) Pleasant; (021) Brown; (47) Malchus; (190) Stephenson; (010) Willis; (171) Harpole; (01) Robinson; (95) Rutherford; (23) Chambless; (13) Mitchell; (123) Willis-dns; (80) Benson-dns; (234) Haney-dns; (48) Brown-dns; (216) Merritt-dns


A Feature: (11) Friesen; (15) Armstrong; (88) Dunn; (17) Davis; (72) Sullivan; (60) Gould; (16) Henigan; (14) Landers; (81) England; (04) Carroll; (122) Otts; (118) Littlejohn; (226) Crawley; (115) Smith; (177) Andrews; (156) Taylor; (87) Melton; (59) Stanford; (178) Killian; (27) Littlejohn; (561) Dycus; (30) Herron; (0) Brooks; (021) Brown; (6) Pleasant-dns


Top 5 from this A are qualified for Sunday's "BIG A" first inside 5 rows, next 5 from this A are qualified for Sunday's "BIG B" inside 5 rows.

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