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Help Me Diagnose This Please


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'99 Suburban with a 5.7 liter.


Here are the symptoms that either just started recently or I just happened to notice it recently:


Has the engine gradually warms up, the water temp gauge jumps up to around 230, sits there awhile and then jumps down to 140 to 160. It may even jump back up and hover around 210 for awhile, but then settle back down around 140 to 160.


Defective or going defective thermostat perhaps?


Thanks all

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If your description is accurate "jumps up to around 230, sits there awhile and then jumps down to 140 to 160", then it is not real, it is the gauge, sending unit or wiring. 600 lbs of iron does not "jump" 110 degrees...

this is the best suggestion......and prolly the right one.

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Ok, first of all, thank you for all of the responses. I belive I learned something along the way.


Now the embarassing part. When I first submitted this request, it was at the end of the day and before I have checked anything. And my first assumption (and I should know better by now and not assume.) was the radiator was full.


So the following morning, I check the radiator: the water level was down.


Filled the radiator, making sure to bump the revs up some so it will pull the water level down before topping off and putting the radiator cap on.


Check temp gauge. After idling for a few minutes, the needle slowly rose up and remained steady a the mark midwya between 100 and 210 (around 160, right?). And has been fine since.


Once again, thanks all for the repsonse (and stay tuned for "Help Me Diagnose This - Part II" :) )

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