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This Saturday TRACK SMACK moves to 10-Noon on ESPN 1250 THE ZONE!!! I invite you to call in at 210-656-3776 (ESPN) and talk with us about all the days topics.


Dirt and Asphalt Driver Marc Madison will be joining us to talk about the Local Race Scene around the State and what may or may not be the problem at local short tracks.


We will take you out to FONTANA to see what's the latest in the Nationwide and Sprint Cup Series as we wind down the season before the Chase...


and as always we talk WHATEVER is on your mind... and you know I will be talking about NASCAR dropping the ball on the penalties for last week...


Hope you can tune in!!!

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I think the economy is a major problem, but I know there are other problems. Drivers need the promoters tand track owners so they have a place to race. But the promoters need the drivers to entertain the crowd. The crowd(fans) are needed to pay the bills. It is a full circle. When you neglect one, everything starts crumbling down. When a driver asks a question or has a complaint about something and the response he gets from the track is "It's our way or the highway, go race somewhere else" or the track changes the rules or procedures every race, you are going to lose drivers. When you lose drivers, you eventually lose the fans. Race tracks are not a democracy, but they are also not a dictatorship. The tracks need to listen to the drivers with an open mind. Some complaints or concerns are valid, some are not. When 70% of a class has a concern on an issue, I think it is valid enough to look at. So, when a promoter keeps asking "Where are all the drivers", look at how you treat them. A promoter/owner calling those drivers that do not show up anymore will learn a lot about why they no longer race. Drivers are very loyal, and they will go to their "Home Track" as long as the home track treats them with respect. The driver will only take so much BS before he decides to find a new Home Track.


I say this as I have only been racing for the past 7 years, and have been in the racing business for 8 years. I have been a fan, driver, and business owner whose sole income comes from the racers. I study and watch all that happens on and off the track. I have been a part of successful tracks, and also seen 2 tracks shut down. Both tracks that shut down could have stayed open if the owner/promoters actually made an effort to treat each situation the right way.

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I think it would benefit racing if you came up with a different topic for your discussion. People who have not worn the promoter's hat have very little idea how much it takes. This sounds like you are calling out the promoters and I think that is unfair. I like your show and I listen to it but I think you could come up with a better topic.

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This Saturday TRACK SMACK moves to 10-Noon on ESPN 1250 THE ZONE!!! I invite you to call in at 210-656-3776 (ESPN) and talk with us about all the days topics.


Dirt and Asphalt Driver Marc Madison will be joining us to talk about the Local Race Scene around the State and what may or may not be the problem at local short tracks.


We will take you out to FONTANA to see what's the latest in the Nationwide and Sprint Cup Series as we wind down the season before the Chase...


and as always we talk WHATEVER is on your mind... and you know I will be talking about NASCAR dropping the ball on the penalties for last week...


Hope you can tune in!!!


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I think it would benefit racing if you came up with a different topic for your discussion. People who have not worn the promoter's hat have very little idea how much it takes. This sounds like you are calling out the promoters and I think that is unfair. I like your show and I listen to it but I think you could come up with a better topic.


Absolutely, its easy to sit on the fence and play both sides against one another. For every 500 drivers maybe 1 has an idea of promoting a track and whats involved. Life itself has turned into one big drama for everything it seems. 75% of TV is drama reality BS watching someone screw someone else over. It has just simply filtered down into racing unfortunately!


I know one way to fix it, maybe! Find a incredibly rich man who dont give a crap about anything except for the Love of Racing! He would have to do the following: build his track, post his rules, hire the best people that get paid for a job working at the track, post a hell of a purse that drivers would travel to race for in all classes, enforce the hell out of the rules and drivers, if you bitch about anything your gone for a month and let the fans in free! That's my fantasy racing track. The sad thing is it would probably work with the right rich person.


Most promoters get their attention drawn away from what matters the most. I can say this because I know. What matters most to the promoters is what the drivers need to find out at every track! Thats hard because it seems like most promoters and most drivers are pretty hard headed, :D

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I think the economy is a major problem, but I know there are other problems. Drivers need the promoters tand track owners so they have a place to race. But the promoters need the drivers to entertain the crowd. The crowd(fans) are needed to pay the bills. It is a full circle. When you neglect one, everything starts crumbling down. When a driver asks a question or has a complaint about something and the response he gets from the track is "It's our way or the highway, go race somewhere else" or the track changes the rules or procedures every race, you are going to lose drivers. When you lose drivers, you eventually lose the fans. Race tracks are not a democracy, but they are also not a dictatorship. The tracks need to listen to the drivers with an open mind. Some complaints or concerns are valid, some are not. When 70% of a class has a concern on an issue, I think it is valid enough to look at. So, when a promoter keeps asking "Where are all the drivers", look at how you treat them. A promoter/owner calling those drivers that do not show up anymore will learn a lot about why they no longer race. Drivers are very loyal, and they will go to their "Home Track" as long as the home track treats them with respect. The driver will only take so much BS before he decides to find a new Home Track.


I say this as I have only been racing for the past 7 years, and have been in the racing business for 8 years. I have been a fan, driver, and business owner whose sole income comes from the racers. I study and watch all that happens on and off the track. I have been a part of successful tracks, and also seen 2 tracks shut down. Both tracks that shut down could have stayed open if the owner/promoters actually made an effort to treat each situation the right way.

goes both ways ..if you look at some classes .drivers dont want some changes a promotor may want in order to grow the class .why .. may have to take something off ..and when enough wont take it off .and class isnt growing .it usualy wont last long ..thats most probably the big reason low dollar classes are born would you think ...just look back into some of these old threads and see what killed a class .motor,s tires ..ect . the high dollar parts . and you will see what could be one problem with tracks closeing ...

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You are stirring the pot and I disagree with doing that. You are blaming the promoters by asking the question and I think that is BS on your part for doing so. You just stated that you have heard horror stories so now you want to talk about it. Good for ratings? Maybe. Good for racing? No way. Now I see what you truly care about.

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You are stirring the pot and I disagree with doing that. You are blaming the promoters by asking the question and I think that is BS on your part for doing so. You just stated that you have heard horror stories so now you want to talk about it. Good for ratings? Maybe. Good for racing? No way. Now I see what you truly care about.


If ya don't like it don't take part. It's not stirring the pot.It's a legit question right along with are racers sometimes their own worst enemy.

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and I am not blaming the Promotors, but I have heard horror stories....




Next "horror story" you hear, check with the promoter, owner, race director before taking the story at face value. I have found nearly all promoters very open to inquiries from the media and very often have background information regarding the alleged "horror story."


I may be dead wrong here, but it seems to me that to suggest in your topic title that "promoters" may be part of the problem with local tracks seems more an attempt to generate a controversial topic for your radio show than an attempt to contribute in a positive way to the Texas racing community.



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That is not the same. If you ask if racers are their own worst enemy, you are talking about hundreds of people. She is basically calling out five people within her area and that is completely different. I do not plan on participating but I can still have an opinion. If you do not think she is calling out five people, who do you think the discussion will be about?

Edited by sprintsrule
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Nick and others...


The question I ask is based on an article that I read that Marc Madison was interviewed in. Not something I just pulled out of the sky to be a pain in the butt and ask.


And as far as ask promotors and owners...I HAVE ...I discuss this with Eddie Gossage of TMS, I have discussed this with Sprint Cup drivers who own tracks, I have asked and been told by RICCI WARE himself of stories of how promoters have screwed the pooch... I have talked to several LOCAL promotors and track owners...


I dont understand all of the angst here, but guys there is a problem and to say no one is at fault, well some here need to open their eyes and stop making excuses...

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I do not know Marc Madison but I hear he is a very nice person. Has Marc ever been a promoter? Does Marc know how much it cost to run a track? We all know (as Marc stated in the article) that races do not pay more than they did lots of years ago but they cost a hell of a lot more to race in. The promoters did not drive up the cost of racing. Your question is "are local promoters the problem". I did not get the impression from Marc's statements that he was talking about our local promoters.


Ricci Ware told you about how promoters have screwed the pooch. That has happened in every type of business there has ever been. I am sure he is not talking about the local promoters that are running the tracks today like you are going to do.


The angst here is you are attempting to put the blame on the local promoters and you do not know what you are talking about. Put yourself in the promoters shoes for one scenario. Car "A" is following car "B" and he bumps him and spins him out. If you send car "A" to the back then they are mad at you. If you send car "B" to the back then they are mad at you. If you send both to the back then more people are mad at you. If you do not send either one to the back then everybody else is mad at you. Get the point? Car "A" spins out car "B" and even though you were not in either car, as the promoter you will have people mad at you. How hard will it be for you to find somebody mad at the local promoters even though they have not done anything wrong?

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I have YET to say it is their fault. I did not even "suggest". I asked a question... Chill out...


And I have been at tracks both here and out of state and I think I speak to enough folks both here on on the national circut to have an opinion and one that is considered informed...


As far as Ricci is concerened, hell ya he has a TON of issues with some local tracks and the way they are run. Is he right, I dont know. I'm sure folks had issue with him as well, but from most that raced for him, I hear he ran one hell of a show that you could set your clock by....


You can blame me if you want and call me what you want... if the question would not be brought up to me as much as it is, this would not be an issue...

Edited by Dawn
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I have YET to say it is their fault. I did not even "suggest". I asked a question... Chill out...


And I have been at tracks both here and out of state and I think I speak to enough folks both here on on the national circut to have an opinion and one that is considered informed...


As far as Ricci is concerened, hell ya he has a TON of issues with some local tracks and the way they are run. Is he right, I dont know. I'm sure folks had issue with him as well, but from most that raced for him, I hear he ran one hell of a show that you could set your clock by....


You can blame me if you want and call me what you want... if the question would not be brought up to me as much as it is, this would not be an issue...

keep up the good work asking ..aint nothing worst than someone telling someone else to shut up and do not speak aboult or ask aboult something ....sprintrule by his or hers attack on you dawn makes me think he or she is or has been a promotor and seems to have a mind set he or she cant do no wrong as a promotor so therefore it must be the racers fault ..... btw im one of the few if not the only one that thought you asked a symple little question with out pointing a finger at one or the other ..carry on ..

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I think you over simplified things. It does not have to be either the promoters or the racers fault. There are a lot of other factors involved. The economy would be one.



By asking the question the way you did, you are "suggesting" it is their fault. "What is the problem with local racing" is the way to ask the question if that is truly what you are interested in.

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Perhaps a more constuctive topic would be how Thunderhill and Houston Motorsports Park have made dramatic turn arounds in fan attendance. By interviewing a guy who is not a local racer, but races at your lcoal track does not make much sense. Interviewing a local promoter may be the better direction to go.

Edited by maverick
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Great point Maverick...and been there, done that, and sometimes on a weekly basis!!!


I know this is gonna sound obnoxious, but if you have not listened to my show on a weekly basis, you have NO RIGHT to come down on me or how I ASK my questions.


EVERY WEEK... I devote the second hour to LOCAL RACING and EVERY WEEK I ask you guys to call in and support, or speak up on issues that surround LOCAL racing... Some do, A LOT DO NOT... yet I come in here and have for several years now and I read how quick some are to bash and complain, but when someone else does it, they are WRONG or not informed, or NOT LOCAL, or not a driver...


If you listen to the show you would know that MaryAnn has come on several times, that my good friend Debbie Williams comes on and is invited weekly to come on and talk about THR... I have Chuck Licata on to talk about TSRS... I have had local drivers call in and talk to us... but I get more email and PM's...and a LOT FROM THIS BOARD... on what I am hearing and what can be done to help, or do I KNOW why things dont seem to be working...


Are people in the stands... YES... and in that same comment, you people were in here moaning and groaning at THR and how they were treating caution laps and time limits and was it good for those fans in the seats? IS that a promotor and owner issue? YES... are they wrong? I guess that depends on the day and how you feel at the time, because I saw JUST AS MANY GO ONE WAY ON THAT as did the OTHER...


Again, I do not mean to get testy, but I am tired of the LAME KISS BUTT excuses made by people in here and I am also tired of not being able to ask a question without being accused of swaying a topic. As long as I am asked the question myself, and as long as I see things as the FAN that I am, I am intitled to my opinion and to ask a question. If you dont like it, dont answer it or listen...




Mike Haag records a lot of the shows, I will see if he may be able to repost...


If not, we are streaming now and the show can be heard online at www.1250thezone.com

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Perhaps a more constuctive topic would be how Thunderhill and Houston Motorsports Park have made dramatic turn arounds in fan attendance. By interviewing a guy who is not a local racer, but races at your lcoal track does not make much sense. Interviewing a local promoter may be the better direction to go.


"constructive" I agree with this thought. You make a great point about THR and HMP's efforts. It's also positive that "new" people are keeping CCS and RRS alive.

I don't think it's an "effort" related problem. I see effort.


With regards to the overall discussion, you can put up a great effort digging for treasure but if you are not digging where "X marks the spot" your effort will not be rewarded. Try to keep the radio discussion about "What" and "Where" X is instead of who is to blame.

Gotta go. I'll be interested to see/hear the results.



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If you dont like it, dont answer it or listen...


I think I will take your advice and not listen anymore.


If you can not take people standing up for and defending the hard work the promoters are doing, how about you not post questions like that on here. I appreciate all of the hard work the promoters and their staffs are doing. I have been there and seen what it takes and I do not like people that do not attend very much local racing stirring up trouble. How many races have you been to this year at THR, STS, I-37, TRP & CC Speedway all added together? All of those tracks have people working very hard to make them succesful and they do not deserve to have trouble stirred up by a less than regular attending person.

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You might as well argue if the President did a good job over the last 8 years! Anyone that takes part in that discussion is argueing about or against something that they have no idea what it takes to run a country. I dont like Bush but have no idea what goes on behind the scenes of things that he did well or bad. So for me to say he did a bad job because of gas prices it may be alittle short sighted of me because today I can go as I please without someone blowing me up or taking a family member hostage. To ask drivers about promoters is doing nothing but throwing gas on a camp fire. I have done my fair share of argueing as a driver to promoters but I try to pick the fights worth picking for the good of something coming out of it in the end. You dont think these promoters butt hole doesnt pucker up when they have a big show and rain is in the area knowing the crowd is not going to cover the purse even if you ge the show in. Its not fair to let people take pop shoots espicially across the air waves when 100% of the truth will not be shaired nor both sides be represented properly. If you work hard enough maybe you will piss another promoter off to the point of them quiting. This is BS.

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