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I-37 Raceway results 3/28/08

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I-37 Raceway, 3/28/08

By J M Hallas



Pleasanton, Tx., (March 28th, 2008) Week three for Pleasnton's I-37 Raceway saw the new south Texas tag-team of Steve Whiteaker jr. and Dustin Butcher once again find their way to the winner's circle. The heavy track brought a whole new set of track conditions on the semi-banked 1/4 mile clay track. Super Stock's had a first timer, with Pure Stock seeing a three-peat winner and Street Stock's dominated by a long time area family member.




Whiteaker Whips 'Em.....Again

IMCA Modified competitors thought they would get a break this weekend while Corpus hotshoe, Steve Whiteaker jr. was away at the wedding of Trevor Egbert. What this race lacked in quantity, it made up for in quality as Whiteaker and Greg Dinsmore put on a an epic batle for the lead, until mechanical woes put Dinsmore on the sidelines.



Brian Rye quickly grabbed the lead at the start of the 20 lapper, with Jason Borlace second, Dinsmore and Whiteaker third and fourth respectively. Both Dinsmore and Whiteaker got by Borlace for second and third, just before Borlace blew up. Once back to green, the top three stayed nose to tail and began to motor away. Dinsmore got inside Rye coming out of turn 4 and grabbed the lead on lap 6 with Whiteaker in hot pursuit.



The two then began to battle for the top spot, with both driving their hearts out. Whiteaker was able to drive in deeper than Dinsmore, but Dinsmore would be better coming off the corners and inch back away. Whiteaker tried a classic 'slide job' on Dinsmore, but saw he would come up short, and fell back in line. Whiteaker would stick the nose his Hughes Chassis under Dinsmore's Harris Chassis going in, but Dinsmore would hold him off coming out.



At the halfway point it was Dinsmore, Whiteaker, Rye, Randy Yount and Bill Pittaway in the top five, the only cars running. The lead duo caught Pittaway on lap 12 with Dinsmore getting by before turn 1. Whiteaker got into a wet spot left from Borlace, and body slapped Pittaway Pittaway going into turn 1 ripping off some sheet metal on the side. The young gun barely lifted and was quickly back on Dinsmore for the lead.



On lap 14 Whiteaker was again looking inside Dinsmore for the lead. The duo dove off into turn 1 side by side on lap 15 with Dinsmore's car sputtering and Whiteaker getting by for the lead. Dinsmore slowed and pulled his wounded

ride to the pits. From their it was smooth sailing for Whiteaker, who had a huge lead over Rye, now in second. As the checkers waved it was Whiteaker in the B&W Motorsports,Texas Service Industries, Access Chevrolet, WW Bodies, Holdsclaw and Hermann, Swenson Racing Products, T Roberts Optical, Youngs Auto Repair, Hughes Chassis getting the three-peat.



" I thought I could get by Greg(Dinsmore)" replied Whiteaker. "I kept messing up and was able to catch him again. I knew it was going to be tough getting by him though. He's a good driver and his car is fast. But it's never over until the checkered flag ."


"I felt bad running over (Bill) Pittaway. He was an innocent bystander and I just hit that slick spot. I backed off for second, but was right back on it. It didn't slow down and felt alright."


"I really hope this track survives under new ownership so we can have another south Texas track. They can't have the track be heavy like this though. I don't like heavy tracks. It's hard on motors, it's hard on equipment. I like it better like it was last week, slick and smooth."


"Even after my early IMCA success, I'm not second guessing myself by not chasing the points. I feel I can come to any IMCA track and have a good chance to win. In the USMTS I may get my butt kicked, but I learn more and have to try to get faster. (Kelly)Shryock, (Jason)Hughes, those guys are tough and I've built some good friendships with them. If I need anything, all I have to do is call Jason, whether it's parts or set-up advice, he's always there to help."


Dinsmore stopped by Whiteaker's pit after the races to offer congratulations. "I thought I had you this week," said Dinsmore. "I broke the ceramic off a spark

plug and the motor just laid over. It must have gotten cracked putting it in." Dinsmore also included some of the famous "Blue Juice, Azul Magarita" to take along to Egbert's wedding.



IMCA Modified Main

1. 89 Steve Whiteaker jr.

2. 25r Brian Rye

3. 66 Randy Yount

4. 137 Bill Pittaway

5. 8g Greg Dinsmore

6. 125 Jason Borlace

26 Darin Leonard---DNS



IMCA Modified heat winner, 8g Greg Dinsmore



Butcher Backs Up Last Weeks Win

Another Corpus young gun, Dustin Butcher showed last week's win was no fluke as he posted a repeat win in the IMCA Southern SportMod main. Butcher had to work a little harder this weekend starting back in the field. He patiently made his way up and got by early leader Steve Grantz just after halfway and held off a final a charge by Grantz on the final lap to get his second win.



At the start of the 20-lap SSM main event, Grantz grabbed the lead on lap 1, with Butcher getting Rene Mares for fourth, while the Torres brothers, Alan and Johnny ran side by side for sixth. On lap 2, Butcher got past Chris McLendon for third as J. Torres moved along side Mares for fifth. J. Torres and Mares got by McLendon on lap 4, with James Lee getting by after some full contact racing.



Butcher picked off another spot getting around Keith Cockrell for second on lap 6. Butcher was quickly on Grantz while J. Torres was closing on Cockrell. At the crossed flags it was Grantz, under pressure from Butcher, Cockrell, J. Torres and Lee who being pressued by Chuck Perry. Butcher got under Grantz on lap 10 to get the point on lap 11.



On lap 14, J. Torres got third from Cockrell after a brief side by side battle, with Perry getting by Lee for fifth. Once in the lead, Butcher was able inch ahead slightly, with Perry picking up fourth from Cockrell. Perry then closed in on J. Torres as Cockrell, A. Torres and Lee battled for seventh. Grantz was starting to close the gap on Butcher as they ran through traffic when, for the second week in a row, Mickety Helms had his car erupt in flames brining out a red flag.



This set up a green, white, checker finish that saw the top four stay nose to tail as the green was shown. Back in he pack, A. Torres was able to get past Chris Rye for fifth as the white flag waved. Grantz tried one last move ducking low in turn 1, but the rookie, Butcher held him off and put the B&W Motorsports, Access Chevrolet, Youngs Auto Repair, Texas Service Industries, WW Bodies, T Roberts Optical, Holdsclaw and Hermann, Swenson Racing Products, Rush Chassis back into the winners circle.



"It was a little luck, a good car and a lot of driving advice from Steve Whiteaker sr. that made the difference," stated Butcher. "Another two laps and the right front would have been flat!"



"Seat time, the more I get, the more I learn."



"I'd rather have the track like it was last week. The heavy track is tougher on equipment. Anyone can drive a good car on a heavy track, a slick track is more a drivers track."



"We didn't think we would be here tonight because of Trevor's(Egbert) wedding, but it is later on Saturday than we thought. We didn't even start working on the cars until Thursday night. We had a long night getting the cars togther."





IMCA Southern SportMod Main

1. 90 Dustin Butcher

2. 21g Steve Grantz

3. 66 Johnny Torres

4 115 Chuck Perry

5. 94 Alan Torres

6. 4$ Chris Rye

7. 1c Keith Cockrell

8. 137 Bill Pittaway

9. 11 Chris McLendon

10. 89 Doug Livingston

11. 11F Mike Finkel

12. 174 Mickey Helms

13. 56 James Lee

14. 22 Rene Mares

60 Pat Lyon---DNS

15 Andy Van Blarcum---DNS



IMCA Southern SportMod heat winners, 60 Pat Lyon, 21g Steve Grantz, 1c Keith Cockrell




David Boudreau got out front at the drop of the green for the 15=lap Super Stock feature and never looked back. Howie Marcx and multi-time class champion Gary Hunter settled into second and third, while M K Wallace and Trey Votion battled for fourth. On lap 4 Votion and Wallace made contact with Votion going up on two wheels after going over the nose of Wallace's car and bringing out a caution.



Once back to racing with Boudreau in the lead, Marcx and Hunter began a fight for second, with Richard Bartosh joining in trying to make it three wide. Marcx car sounded like the motor began to sour with Hunter, Bartosh and Wallace all getting by. When the white flag waved, Boudreau had nearly a half track lead over Hunter, while Wallace slowed. As the checkers waved it was Boudreau grabbing his first ever class victory.



Super Stock feature

1. 29 David Boudreau

2. 14 Gary Hunter

3. 7 Richard Bartosh

4. 13 Howie Marcx

5. 48 M K Wallace

6. 99 Trey Votion



Super Stock heat winner, 29 David Boudreau




Abraham Mares jr. beat Wade Jones into turn 1 as the 11-car Street Stock feature rolled off for their 20 lap feature. By lap 3 Mares had built and good margin over Jones who had a gap back to Donald Lewis, with Robert Danielsen and Mark Pivarnik side by side for fourth. Jones cut into Mares' lead, as Danielsen was reeling in Lewis for third.



Danielsen got third from Lewis on lap 8, while Mares regained his advantage over Jones who drifted too high in turn 4. The top four separated out with Shawn Moore in fifth and a three car fight between Tommy Casey, Craig Crawley and Anthony Fambru beginning. In the final laps Mares maintained his big lead over Jones and easily put the Mares Racing Team, Chevy Camaro into Victory Lane




Street Stock feature

1. 3 Abraham Mares jr.

2. 41 Wade Jones

3. 49 Robert Danielsen

4. 51 Donald Lewis

5. 18 Shawn Moore

6. 42 Tommy Casey

7. 6 Craig Crawley

8. 08 Anthony Fambru

9. 37 Austin Wernette

10. 14 Mark Pivarnik

11. 67 Charlie Henley


Street Stock heat winners, 41 Wade Jones, 18 Shawn Moore





In the 20-car, 20-lap Pure Stock feature, Anthony Malhorin was first into turn 1, with Brian Terry trying a crossover move to take the lead out of turn 2. Malhorin held the point, with Robert Danielsen moving into second on lap 1. Janel Hilla followed to third as B. Terry fell back to the clutches of Sean Terry, who took fourth. In the pack, Justin Henley was working his way up to fifth. In traffic, Danielsen caught Malhorin and got by for the lead as they battled by slower cars.



Battles for position were just beginning to heat up when a caution for debris on lap 5 slowed the action. Once back to green, the top 5 began to pull away as the field separated into the fast group, and slower group. Robert Williams got past Adam Torres for fifth on lap 7 as they fought thier way to the front. The leaders again hit serious traffic, with Henley getting by J. Hilla for third. J. Hilla got sideways and spun with a flat on lap10 taking Torres to the infield before coming back across the track and tapping the wall.



On the restart, Malhorin slowed and pulled off from second, with Henley now on Danielsen for the lead. It wasn't long until the top three of Danielsen, Henley and Williams caught the back of the pack. On lap 14, Danielsen got caught behind a slower car, with Henley ducking low and going three wide to get the lead on lap 15. Henley then got slowed by traffic giving Danielsen and Williams the chance to close. Williams and Danielsen went door to door for second on lap 18, with Williams getting the spot. At the checkers it was Henley, with a five car length margin, taking his third win in a row.




Pure Stock feature

1. 96 Justin Henley

2. 57 Robert Williams

3. 186 Robert Danielsen

4. 66 Adam Torres

5. 23 Sean Terry

6. 22 Brian Terry

7. 55 Sonny Jones

8. 79 George Lowt jr.

9. 5x J D Reynolds

10. 29p Daniel Pierce

11. 13 Steven Hawkins

12. 55x Ty Coad sr.

13. 67 Joe Horne

14. 129 Charley Earnhardt

15. 7x Janel Hilla

16. 3x Trevor Hilla

17. 25 Anthony Malhorin

18. 68 Dubba Hawkins

19. 15 William Cavender

20 889 Sean Ward.



Pure Stock heat winners, 96 Justin Henley, 186 Robert Danielsen, 66 Adam Torres

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not sure who head scorer for 37 is but these final results are not right trevor hilla went out during a yellow and came back during a green flag lap therefore putting him laps down janel hilla also went out with a flat and im positive that they did not come back out make the laps up and also pass the 129. . i understand that we were by far not one of the fastest cars there but i can promise you these results are wrong and im curious who to contact about it...

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B-rocket, one of the regular scores was not there and Mrs Budreau tried to help fill in. You KNOW who to contant too!!!

I'm also sure if you wish to volunteer to help, the assistance would be more than welcomed!!!


Willy....find a REAL NAME.....[edited out by Nick Holt since this responded to something I edited out]

You know its funny that opening night, when people ACTUALLY got overpaid by car count....no one bitched a bit!!!! Yet the second night when pay was corrected by scale, everyone went off THINKING they were shorted. Maybe you don't give a damn if I-37 survives....but others do.....[edite out by Nick Holt, 3/29/08]


***the opinions expressed are mine...ALL MINE...and not that of TXSZ or I-7 Raceway. Don't like 'em......tough $#!& don't read 'em!!!***

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Mouthy mullet


.......and proud of it!!!!


I suppose racetracks are getting cheaper to operate???? Higher electric, higher insurance, high costs for emergency services..........



Doesn't effect me????? WRONG!!!!! I don't make a freaking dime for time, fuel or any damn thing else, so the farther I have to travel for a race....the more it costs me. So don't go pissing to me about costs, at least theracers have a chance to get a few bucks in return for thier HOBBY. Ya maybe it isn't enough.....I won't argue that, but on the other hand if tracks close then you'll have more travel expenses or some high-priced yard art!!!


FYI, the Pinks All Out show had all those guys fighting for ONLY 16 paying spots....they realze it's a HOBBY and didn't piss and moan about paying an entry fee and going home without a dime.

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OK little silly willy,


[edited out since the post this is responding to has been removed, 3/29/08]

Boy all the Reb does is take down results sure bet small willy could do a better job. reb has done this for YEARS and does it well. where have u been invited to provided ur professional comentary?


we usually have to travel 5 count them 5 plus hours to race drag my three kids on that trip to go racing as a family. I am grateful for these people and what they have done.


reb is a personal friend of ours and many others, his best quality other than his hair is his talent to tell it like it is....[edited out by Nick Holt, 3/29/08] step up to th plate and call yes pick up a pay phone or unhook ur internet and call Cassi. be a man and a respectable racer(if u even r one) and set the bar a little higher.


[edited out by Nick Holt, 3/29/08] we will be there every chance we get as well as sts


reb I got a cooler full of dr pepper for you anytime.....[edited out by Nick Holt, 3/29/08]


the dinsmore's


thank you reb for your valuable time at 1:28 am that's dedication...that's why he makes the big bucks and doesn't have a day job.


[edited out by Nick Holt, 3/29/08]

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I don't believe that anyone could have said it better......Thank You Rebelracewriter & 8G Racing Family!!!!!!!


I think it's time to shut down this post before we end up with last week's drama again. All that is being proven is that even though you shut down the main forum doesn't mean that the complainers are going to stop complaining. All of the comments about pay cut don't amount to anything or change anything. I'll say it again--if you are looking to get rich racing, you're in the wrong place. Trust me, we know what it is like to go home with little or nothing. When the car breaks, most of the time you are SOL, but because we do it for fun, we'll be back, regardless of pay. Just race...............



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You didn't deserve your post to get dumped on. I was at an all day competition for my daughter returned to find this mess.


You do a great job and your work is truly apprecitate by 99% of the Texas Racing Community.


Greg, thanks for stepping in when I wasn't there to do so. I'm sorry I had to take down some of your more colorful stuff, but most of it didn't make any sense after I took down the other posts.


I-37 - Don't let the boo-birds get you down. We're all pulling for you to be the best you can be.



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Thanks for the PM, and fixing the results. Rest assured, so no one take B-Rockets post wrong, we dont care about the pay, and/or points. Charlie called, said he'd like to take the car out to the track, I said no prob, its good for car count, we were bored anyway. The payout/points I could care less about, cause I have more money than brain cells (I own a racecar), but where the car placed is a little more important to us.


Thanks again Cassie.







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LOL at Harlin! Yeah, piece of cake! Dang, I hate editing and deleting.


We're all in racing because we love it and want it to succeed. It's kind of sad that we can't just all get along.


The best boss I ever had used to praise in public and correct in private. Great plan, eh?



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The best boss I ever had used to praise in public and correct in private. Great plan, eh?








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"On lap 4 Votion and Wallace made contact with Votion going up on two wheels after going over the nose of Wallace's car and bringing out a caution."


Just FYI, I broke a right rear axle , and thats what caused me to go up on 2 wheels. Wallace wasn't at any fault. Axle broke, right side frame dug into track, and Wallace was right behind me, with nowhere to go. I woulda rolled it more than once I'm sure if he wouldn't have hit me and knocked me back down.


Wanted to give a big Thank You to Frank Torres and the other fellas who helped load my car. It took a wrecker and a bobcat to get it on my trailer. ( Frank if you read this, plz tell me the names of the other guys that helped, cant recall them.)

Also, thx to my brother , Patrick Kelly and friend Mike Harrison who helped me out that night too...


Also, need to recognize my sponsors, Northside Ford, Gale Rose and Pat Kelly Sr. , Pat Kelly Automotive and John Kelly Jr. , Kelly Custom Graphics on the 2nd night heat and feature wins and look forward to getting a car back on the track asap....


Anyway, gl all ...Will be back when I get enough time and money to put a car back together.


Trey "Loco" Votion

Edited by Braunfels99
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Ya,,,still a lil sore ,but not too bad....np reb,,,,was tough to tell what happened without knowing....


Thx Frank, Had seen Denver several times and couldn't place the name....Again big thx to you guys....


Cya'll soon...maybe :D

Edited by Braunfels99
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