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Toyota Troubles?


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Looks like closing the track (SAS) was just a bit premature. Guess they won't be putting up a whole lot of houses now. Lenny66 <_< Open it back up, we can pump some money back in the community, just like we were doing since 1977. Lenny66 B)



S.A. Toyota plant cutting production


Web Posted: 03/13/2008 11:37 AM CDT


By Meena Thiruvengadam

Express-News Business Writer


The nation’s economic crunch is making a dent in Toyota’s San Antonio truck production.

As gas prices have soared and home starts have dropped, fewer auto shoppers have been opting for full-size pickups, so the company has reduced the number of Tundras it is building at its South Side factory.









Toyota’s San Antonio plant currently is producing 650 trucks a day, down from a peak of about 725 trucks a day in the first few months of its operation. That would put the plant on track to build about 162,500 trucks this year, lower than 200,000 it is capable of producing a year.


“With the overall market slowing down, we have to slow down our production line,” said Don Jackson, vice president of production and quality for Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas. “We don’t want to build inventory.”


In its first full year of production last year, Toyota’s San Antonio facility built 138,619 Tundras.


Taken from the Express-News 3/13/08

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Short term result till the economy wind vane change's directions...


Now if the SA track could generate more tax revenue than that Plant.. the city would be behind it in a heartbeat!!


I don't know - I think with gas prices where they are we'll be lucky to ever see $2.75 a gallon again unless the bottom totally falls out of it somehow. Quite a few people I know who have big trucks are asking themselves the hard question - "Do I really need this?"


I think the big truck market is going to get smaller.


That, and the way I understood it the track closed because it needed a lot of repairs to bring it up to city code - not just because of the plant and houses nearby. Maybe if it was a little better maintained over the last decade it wouldn't have had to close. Granted, the houses wouldn't have helped it's cause and it's days would have been numbered, but if it was up and running it would be producing more revenue than it is now. But if the person who owns the land isn't going to sell it, its not worth somebody going in there to lease it as a racetrack...

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If they did go bankrupt it would not be supprised me if the goverment would bail them out like they did with the home lenders. :angry: Then they could continue with there NASCAR effort.

now i wonder where the goverment get thier money from ...

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The fact that they can just reach in your pocket and take more money any time they want to is one of the biggest reasons we can't get the government spending under control.

The income tax has to go, and be replaced with some kind of consumption tax. Suppose they added 50 cents per cup to a cup of joe at Starbucks. Would people cut back on Starbucks? Maybe a few would, but not many. Suppose they added two bucks per cup. Then what happens? Sales drop, and so does tax revenue. Consumption taxes are self-limiting: too much tax, demand drops and so does tax revenue.

But the president can't change the system; only Congress can change the system.

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I believe the goverment should be run like a business.. Exept no option of Bankrupt... (currently in place)


I work with financial stuff and we are battle'n this economy just like everyone else. Even battle'n in the home front and personally good results.


The US goverment needs to pretend that America is it company. And that non US Business's & other Goverments are its Clients/Revenue Base. Canablelizing US is STUPID.


If people choose to buy non-america, those are the ones that pay the taxes! if you buy american you don't pay tax.. WHY.. your supporting the american economy and keeping $ in house..


If you buy US fuel you pay one price if you pay outside fuel you pay a different price.


Still have Free Trade, But leave the choice to americas if they want it.. Don't make the outside goods the only thing available.. If the outside world Buys US Goods Thats better for us.. because the outside $ will lift our economy...


I don't have some master plan.. just believe that that the dang govement needs to work on its domestic policy a little more than its international one right now... Treat America better than its treating other's

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The government will never serve the people until we have TERM LIMITS on Senators and House members.Its good enough for the President and that brings some change to the top office.Its time to put those Senators and House members to WORK.Lobbiests will invest less if the return is limited.We as people dont have anything else for leverage.

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The government will never serve the people until we have TERM LIMITS on Senators and House members.Its good enough for the President and that brings some change to the top office.Its time to put those Senators and House members to WORK.Lobbiests will invest less if the return is limited.We as people dont have anything else for

................[/quote i want to get me one of those jobs .i mean hell you can run a car off a bridge .kill someone .try and hide it under the rug... .get away with it and keep your life long job ..anyone old enough are a young history buff know who i am talking aboult ...one clue ..he has lost 2 brothers to assassins ..

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Just something to think about concerning the Toyota plant in SA. They did cut back on production but in case no one has noticed, no layoffs yet. According to the news, they said people were moved around inside the plant to other jobs rather than being laid off. Now that says something for Toyota even if they are selling less trucks. Of course this may not last forever but I've seen other car manufacturers retool their plants and produce another type vehicle just to keep the places operating. And we all know that Toyota makes several vehicles that get exceptional gas mileage, so the Tundra is not their saving grace by no means. Just a full sized truck that is taking a bite out of the GM, Ford and Dodge markets. Remember, Toyota still has their small trucks too. ;)

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I just hired a part time employee who works full time at Toyota.She says the press doesn't know about the layoffs because what they are doing are strategic drug tests in the areas that are overstaffed first.If that doesn't weed out enough people then you will hear more about people getting let go.

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"Strategic" drug testing is actually a pretty smart way to downsize or lay off people without having to call them "layoffs."

Drug use is so common now that I know of at least one convenience store chain that suspended drug testing (though I don't know if they only suspended marijuana testing or stopped testing for all drugs) because they couldn't hire anyone, including managers, if they had to pass a drug test.

Under that theory, Toyota or anyone else could use "targeted" drug testing, testing only those employees in areas where they needed to reduce personnel (the "strategic" part). Firing someone for drug use isn't a layoff, right?

Pretty cute, if true. We may be approaching a crisis point at which we'll have to either legalize or "decriminalize" marijuana (not necessarily a bad idea) to be able to hire anyone. A Supreme Court nominee was rejected a while back because he admitted to using marijuana while in college, though both Bill Clinton and Al Gore managed to admit it and still get the top jobs.

(Barack Obama has also admitted using marijuana. No one has apparently asked Hillary, but any answer she gave would be suspect anyway.)

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Thx tq.Strategic vs. overall.Only test the people in the overstaffed areas of the plant.They can't be sued for being prejudiced against drug users.At least not yet anyway.American companies used age as a trigger for being let go until the government made us 40 and over a minority group.

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turbo it's pretty hard to prove age when their are so many other reasons when we were young we were not experienced enough when we got over 50 we were over experienced we are not hiring you because we can't pay what you were making and you won't stay !!!

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Now this strategic drug testing thing sounds like what we used to refer to as s--- house rumors in places I worked at. Everyone always has some story that they heard from someone who had a friend that carried mail into the office distrubution center where he overheard the janitor telling the data clerk that they popped some guy over in production.........well you know what I am saying. Before we suggest to Toyota to shut their plant we might want to check their sales because last I heard they were outselling other brands this year. Maybe its not a banner year for anyone but they definitely still have tons of cash in their tills. :D:D

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I don't know that anyone has suggested Toyota is about to go under. As I noted above, the industry considers them a bank that builds cars. But one way you stay cash-rich is by controlling costs, and this might be one way they would go about it, were they so inclined.

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usually you get laid-off by a large company,there is some type of compensation package the company pays you on exit(severence pay,insurance for a couple months,etc).Adds up to alot of $$$$ if you have hundreds or thousands to lay-off.But if you could catch em "dirty",they usually get fired,not offered any or much compensation at all.Guess if you could eliminate most by strategic drug testing,saves a boat load of $$$$ for the company,and the test is alot cheaper than the compensation package.Not sure what kind of employee contract or what was signed upfront prior to employment,but they could of had some small print addressing the issue,like if a drug test comes up "postive",employment will be terminated with no compenstation.Could be just s---house talk,but it could also be a "strategic" way to save the company alot of $$$$$ in slow times.

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