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Fantasy Auto Racing


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Is anyone going to have the fantasy racing on yahoo this yr? Not sure who did it last yr but there were several close races several times during the season. I'm now in TN but I still lurk here in the zone to see whats going on at THR and with Aarons kids. ( Also to check and see what kind of trouble Chuck L. is in ) Good luck everyone this up coming race season. Jeff Waltrip

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I hope that this is ok to put on here because I don't represent this business, but the Fantasy game that I've been playing is at www.fantasythunder.com. I've actually won over $7,000 since 2001! If you go to the site, go and look at the past champions, and you'll see "Steve Meyer" for the season title and the combined season title back in 2002 and 2003. This game is a blast, and it makes even some of the boring races fun! If you add up the cost, it only comes up to about $5 per race. Tons of fun!

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I want to thank everyone that has joined up for the fantasy racing so far. Your right Aaron I will probable be at the bottom of the list again this yr. I am not using the 8 ball to pick my drivers this yr. Think I am going to pick drivers by paint jobs on the cars. Can't do any worse. Good luck everyone. I will be back in Tx end of July plan on being at the track for at least one weekend. Jeff

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