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Morgan Thomas


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The family would like to thank everyone for there prayers and best wishes. There is a website that you can visit and email Morgan your prayers, and then Misty (Morgan's mom) can print them and read them to her personally. Misty would also like to hang them in her room. So I am personally challenging everyone out here to email her and maybe they can cover the walls of the room with all of our prayers. The website is:




You need her name: Morgan Thomas, and her birthday: 02/22/04.


We have all seen that prayer is a powerful thing.

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I just got news that Morgan has gone in this morning for an MRI. They are concerned because she slept all or most of the day just opening her eyes a bit. The doctors are concerned that the cancer in her brain has returned. So still prayers are need for this little blessing, and more notes of love and prayers to her and her family.

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